“Electrical Engineering IUP at Telkom University gave me the opportunity to excel in both my academic venture and my career. I spent six months in The Netherlands to participate in the Student Exchange Project Semester, also representing Telkom University in Malaysia, and won awards in both The Netherlands and Malaysia. I was also closed by getting a job offer from Huawei Tech Investment as a Sales Engineer even before graduation. Being a part of the Electrical Engineering IUP is such a blessing.”

Alexander Tristan Daru, S.T. – Electrical Engineering IUP Class of 2020

“As a student of the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) in Electrical Engineering at Telkom University, I have been fortunate to experience an exceptional academic journey filled with remarkable opportunities. The program’s rigorous curriculum, combined with its global perspective helping me to earn a scholarship to study at INHA University in South Korea, where I deepened my knowledge of cutting-edge technology and networked with international peers. In addition to my academic achievements, I have had the honor of serving as a Huawei Student Ambassador, where I worked closely with industry leaders, further expanding my professional network and understanding of the latest technological advancements. Moreover, the S1 Electrical Engineering Study program has opened doors for me to secure opportunities with multinational companies, where I have been able to apply my academic knowledge to real world challenges. These experiences have not only reinforced my passion for electrical engineering but have also prepared me to contribute meaningfully to the industry on a global scale.”

“Saya merasa sangat beruntung dapat menyelesaikan studi S1 Teknik Elektro di Telkom University. Selama kuliah, saya mendapatkan banyak pengetahuan yang tidak hanya bersifat teori, tetapi juga sangat aplikatif dalam dunia industri maupun penelitian. Kurikulum yang ditawarkan sangat relevan dengan perkembangan teknologi, terutama dalam bidang elektronika dan sistem kendali. Selain itu, fasilitas yang ada di Telkom University sangat mendukung kegiatan belajar, baik di laboratorium maupun di ruang kelas. Dosen-dosen yang berkompeten dan berpengalaman memberikan pengajaran dengan cara yang interaktif dan mendorong kami untuk berpikir kritis serta inovatif. Yang tidak kalah penting, Telkom University juga menanamkan nilai-nilai profesionalisme dan etika kerja yang sangat berguna dalam memasuki dunia kerja. Program magang dan kerjasama dengan berbagai perusahaan teknologi ternama membuka banyak kesempatan untuk kami, para mahasiswa, untuk berkolaborasi langsung dengan industri. Saya sangat merasa siap untuk menghadapi tantangan dunia kerja setelah lulus dari Telkom University. Pengalaman yang saya dapatkan selama kuliah, baik dari segi akademik maupun non-akademik, telah membantu saya dalam beradaptasi dan berkembang di dunia profesional. Terima kasih Telkom University, atas segala ilmu dan pengalaman yang telah diberikan.”

Suto Setiyadi, S.T., M.T. – Electrical Engineering Regular Class 2017