Bachelor Program of Electronics Engineering 
CP-01 Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
CP-02 Berkeyakinan mampu berfungsi efektif di dalam tim yang bersifat multidisiplin.
CP-03 Memahami etika profesi sebagai seorang sarjana teknik elektro.
CP-04 Memiliki hasrat kewirausahaan baik secara individu maupun di dalam tim yang bersifat multidisiplin.
CP-05 Menguasai pengetahuan umum untuk memahami dampak solusi rekayasa.
CP-06 Menguasai wawasan mengenai perkembangan teknologi terkini dalam bidang TIK.
CP-07 Mengusai wawasan mengenai perkembangan teknologi terkini dalam bidang keahlian Sistem Elektronika, Sistem Kendali, dan Sistem Biomedika.
CP-08 Menguasai pengetahuan dasar matematika dan sains yang dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah melalui pendekatan keelektroteknikan.
CP-09 Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan komunikasi ilmiah secara efektif, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis.
CP-10 Memiliki kemampuan untuk menganalisis masalah dan menyimpulkan solusi secara sistematis.
CP-11 Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan eksperimen dan melakukan analisis data hasil eksperimen.
CP-12 Memiliki keterampilan dalam penggunaan perangkat keras dan lunak dasar secara tepat guna.
CP-13 Mempunyai keterampilan dalam penggunaan perangkat keras dan lunak yang diperlukan dalam perancangan Sistem Elektronika atau Sistem Kendali atau Teknik Biomedika.
CP-14 Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan perancangan Sistem Elektronika atau Sistem Kendali atau Sistem Elektromedika sesuai kebutuhan atau spesifikasi.
CP-15 Memiliki kemampuan untuk menganalisis masalah rekayasa di bidang Sistem Elektronika atau Sistem Kendali atau Teknik Biomedika dengan menganut kaidah-kaidah ilmiah.
CP-16 Memiliki kemampuan implementasi solusi masalah melalui rekayasa Sistem Elektronika atau Sistem Kendali atau Teknik Biomedika dengan menganut kaidah-kaidah ilmiah.

Proses Penentuan Struktur Kurikulum

Struktur Kurikulum 2016 Prodi S1 Teknik Elektro disusun menggunakan pendekatan sekuensial/ urutan. Pendekatan sekuensial adalah pendekatan yang menyusun mata kuliah berdasarkan logika atau struktur keilmuannya. Pada pendekatan ini, mata kuliah disampaikan bermula dari yang paling dasar berdasarkan logika keilmuannya menuju mata kuliah lanjutan (advanced) di semester akhir. Hubungan antar mata kuliah ditunjukkan dengan adanya mata kuliah pre-requisite (prasyarat). Mata kuliah yang tersaji di semester lebih bawah akan menjadi syarat bagi mata kuliah di di semester setelahnya.

Struktur Kurikulum

Di dalam Kurikulum 2016, untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan tingkat sarjana di Prodi S1 Teknik Elektro, mahasiswa perlu lulus minimum 144 SKS. Total SKS tersebut tersusun dari 48 mata kuliah wajib dan 6 mata kuliah pilihan. Kuliah pilihan ini dipilih dari 21 mata kuliah pilihan yang ditawarkan prodi. Bagian 9.2.1 menampilkan mata kuliah-mata kuliah yang ditawarkan di Prodi S1 Teknik Elektro di dalam Kurikulum 2016.

Program Studi S1 Teknik Elektro (Electronics Engineering)

Semester 1 1st Semester
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 MUH1A4 Kalkulus 1 A 4 1 MUH1A4 Calculus 1 A 4
2 FUH1A3 Fisika 1 A 3 2 FUH1A3 Physics 1 A 3
3 FUH1B1 Praktikum Fisika 1 A 1 3 FUH1B1 Physics 1 A Lab. Work 1
4 FEH1H3 Algoritma dan Pemrograman B 3 4 FEH1H3 Algorithm and Programming B 3
5 FEH1I1 Praktikum Algoritma dan Pemrograman B 1 5 FEH1I1 Algorithm and Programming Lab Works 1
6 LUH1B2 Bahasa Inggris I 2 6 LUH1B2 English I 2
7 DUH1A2 Literasi TIK 2 7 DUH1A2 ICT Literacy 2
8 ETH1A2 Pengenalan Teknik Elektro 2 8 ETH1A2 Introduction to Electronics Engineering 2
 Jumlah SKS 18  Number of Credits 18
 Total SKS 18  Cumulative Credits 18
Semester 2 2nd Semester
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 MUH1D4 Kalkulus 2 A 4 1 MUH1D4 Calculus 2 A 4
2 FUH1D3 Fisika 2 A 3 2 FUH1D3 Physics 2 A 3
3 FUH1E1 Praktikum Fisika 2 1 3 FUH1E1 Physics 2 A Lab. Work 1
4 KUH1A3 Kimia 3 4 KUH1A3 Chemistry 3
5 LUH2C2 Bahasa Inggris II 2 5 LUH2C2 English II 2
6 LUH1A2 Bahasa Indonesia 2 6 LUH1A2 Indonesian Language 2
7 HUH1x2* Pendidikan Agama dan Etika 2 7 HUH1x2* Education of Religion and Ethics 2
8 FEH1J2 Konsep Pengembangan Sains dan Teknologi A 2 8 FEH1J2 Concept of Science and Technology Development A 2
 Jumlah SKS 19  Number of Credits 19
 Total SKS 37  Cumulative Credits 37

Note: *
HUH1A2 Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Etika/ HUH1A2 Islamic Religion and Ethics

HUH1B2 Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Etika/ HUH1B2 Christian Religion and Ethics

HUH1C2 Pendidikan Agama Katolik dan Etika/ HUH1D2 Catholic Religion and Ethics

HUH1D2 Pendidikan Agama Hindu dan Etika/ HUH1D2 Hinduism Religion and Ethics

HUH1E2 Pendidikan Agama Budha dan Etika/ HUH1E2 Buddhism Religion and Ethics

HUH1F2 Pendidikan Agama Kong Hu Cu dan Etika/ HUH1F2 Confucianism Religion and Ethics

Semester 3 3rd Semester
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 MUH1G3 Matriks dan Ruang Vektor 3 1 MUH1G3 Matrices and Vector Spaces 3
2 FEH2H3 Aljabar Boolean dan Rangkaian Logika 3 2 FEH2H3 Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits 3
3 FEH2K3 Variabel Kompleks 3 3 FEH2K3 Complex Variables 3
4 ETH2A1 Praktikum Teknik Elektro 1 1 4 ETH2A1 Electronics Lab. Work 1 1
5 FEH2B4 Rangkaian Listrik 4 5 FEH2B4 Electric Circuits 4
6 FEH2F3 Elektromagnetika 3 6 FEH2F3 Electromagnetics 3
7 DUH2A2 Kewirausahaan 2 7 DUH2A2 Entrepreneurship 2
 Jumlah SKS 19  Number of Credits 19
 Total SKS 56  Cumulative Credits 56
Semester 4 4th Semester
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 DUH2B2 Geladi 2 1 DUH2B2 Basic On-the-Job Training 2
2 MUH1F3 Probabilitas dan Statistika 3 2 MUH1F3 Probabilitas dan Statistika A 3
3 FEH2G4 Elektronik 4 3 FEH2G4 Electronics 4
4 ETH2B1 Praktikum Teknik Elektro 2 1 4 ETH2B1 Electronics Lab. Work 2 1
5 ETH2C4 Mikrokomputer 4 5 ETH2C4 Microcomputer 4
6 FEH2I3 Persamaan Diferensial dan Aplikasi 3 6 FEH2I3 Differential Equations and Applications 3
7 FEH2L3 Pengolahan Sinyal Waktu Kontinu 3 7 FEH2L3 Continuous-Time Signal Processing 3
 Jumlah SKS 20  Number of Credits 20
 Total SKS 76  Cumulative Credits 76
Semester 5 5th Semester
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 FEH2J3 Matematika Diskrit B 3 1 FEH2J3 Discrete mathematics B 3
2 FEH2D2 Studium Generale 2 2 FEH2D2 Studium Generale 2
3 ETH3B3 Antarmuka dan Integrasi Sistem 3 3 ETH3B3 System Interface and ntegration 3
4 ETH3C3 Sistem Kendali Dasar 3 4 ETH3C3 Basic Control Systems 3
5 ETH3D1 Praktikum Teknik Elektro 3 1 5 ETH3D1 Electronics Lab. Work 3 1
6 FEH3A3 Pengolahan Sinyal Waktu Diskrit 3 6 FEH3A3 Discrete-Time Signal Processing 3
7 ETH3E3 Rangkaian Elektronika Terapan 3 7 ETH3E3 Applied Electronic Circuits 3
 Jumlah SKS 18  Number of Credits 18
 Total SKS 94  Cumulative Credits 94
Semester 6 6th Semester
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 HUH1G3 Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan 3 1 HUH1G3 Pancasila and Civics 3
2 FEH2E2 Ekonomi Teknik B 2 2 FEH2E2 Engineering economics 2
3 ETH3F3 Instrumentasi dan Pengukuran Elektrik 3 3 ETH3F3 Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements 3
4 ETH3G1 Praktikum Teknik Elektro 4 1 4 ETH3G1 Electronics Lab. Work 4 1
5 ETH3H3 Sistem Catu Daya 3 5 ETH3H3 Power Supply Systems 3
6 ETH3I3 Sistem Telekomunikasi 3 6 ETH3I3 Telecommunications System 3
7 ETH3J3 Sistem Kendali Digital 3 7 ETH3J3 Digital Control System 3
8 FEH3B2 Kerja Praktik 2 8 FEH3B2 On-the-Job Training 2
 Jumlah SKS 20  Number of Credits 20
 Total SKS 114  Cumulative Credits 114
Semester 7 7th Semester
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 FEH4A2 Penulisan Karya Ilmiah dan Proposa 2 1 FEH4A2 Scientific and Research Proposal Writing 2
2 ETH4A3 Metode Perancangan erstruktur 3 2 ETH4A3 Systematic Design Methods 3
3 ETH4B3 Mekatronika dan Robotika 3 3 ETH4B3 Mechatronics and Robotics 3
4 ExH4A3 Peminatan I 3 4 ExH4A3 Mandatory-Elective I 3
5 ExH4B3 Peminatan II 3 5 ExH4B3 Mandatory-Elective II 3
6 FEHxC3 Pilihan Manajemen 3 6 FEHxC3 Mandatory-Elective Management 3
7 Pilihan I 3 7 Elective I 3
 Jumlah SKS 20  Number of Credits 20
 Total SKS 134  Cumulative Credits 134
Semester 8 8th Semester
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 FEH4B4 Tugas Akhi 4 1 FEH4B4 Final Project 4
2 ExH4C3 Peminatan III 3 2 ExH4C3 Mandatory-Elective III 3
3 Pilihan II 3 3 Elective II 3
 Jumlah SKS 10  Number of Credits 10
 Total SKS 144  Cumulative Credits 144
Pilihan Peminatan – Elektronika Electronics Track – Mandatory Elective
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 ELH4A3 Elektronika Daya 3 1 ELH4A3 Power Electronics 3
2 ELH4B3 Perancangan Rangkaian Terintegrasi 3 2 ELH4B3 CMOS IC Design 3
3 ELH4C3 Perancangan Sistem Berbasis FPGA 3 3 ELH4C3 FPGA-based System Design 3
Pilihan Peminatan – Kendali Control Track – Mandatory Elective
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 EKH4A3 Sistem Otomatisasi Industri 3 1 EKH4A3 Industrial Automation Systems 3
2 EKH4B3 Sistem Kendali Cerdas 3 3 EKH4B3 Intelligent Control Systems 3
3 EKH4C3 Perancangan Metode Kendali 3 2 EKH4C3 Control Method Designs 3
Pilihan Peminatan – Biomedika Biomedical Track – Mandatory Elective
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 EBH4A3 Fisika Biomedika 3 2 EBH4A3 Biomedical Physics 3
2 EBH4B3 Perancangan Sistem iomedika 3 3 EBH4B3 Biomedical System Designs 3
3 EBH4C3 Instrumentasi Biomedika 3 1 EBH4C3 Biomedical Instrumentation 3
Pilihan Peminatan – Energi Terbarukan Renewable Energy Track – Mandatory Elective
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 ELH4A3 Elektronika Daya 3 2 ELH4A3 Power Electronics 3
2 ERH4A3 Sistem Energi Listrik Terbarukan 3 3 ERH4A3 Renewable Electric Energy Systems 3
3 ERH4B3 Sumber Energi Terbarukan 3 1 ERH4B3 Renewable Energy Sources 3
MK Pilihan Elective Courses
Kode MK Nama MK SKS Code Name Credit
ELH4D3 Integritas Sinyal dalam Perancangan PCB 3 ELH4D3 PCB Design for Signal Integrity 3
ELH4E3 Elektronika Frekuensi Tinggi 3 ELH4E3 High-Frequency Electronics 3
ELH4F3 Pembelajaran Mesin dan Aplikasi 3 ELH4F3 Machine Learning and Applications 3
ELH4G3 Instrumentasi Optik 3 ELH4G3 Optical Instruments 3
EKH4D3 Analisis Kendali Kokoh 3 EKH4D3 Rigid Control Analysis 3
EKH4E3 Sistem Kendali Multivariabel 3 EKH4E3 Multivariable Control Systems 3
EBH4D3 Pengukuran Biosinyal 3 EBH4D3 Bio-Signal Measurement 3
TTH4P3 Computer Vision B 3 TTH4P3 Computer Vision B 3
Pilihan Manajemen Management – Mandatory Elective
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 FEH3C3 Manajemen Proyek 3 2 FEH3C3 Project Management 3
2 FEH4C3 Manajemen Sumber Daya 3 3 FEH4C3 Resource Management 3
Pilihan Tambahan Optional
No Kode MK Nama MK SKS No Code Name Credit
1 FEH4C9 Magang 9 2 FEH4C9 Industrial Internship 9
2 FEH3D4 Sertifikasi Profesional 4 3 FEH3D4 Professional Certification 4

Nilai minimal lulus untuk mata kuliah- mata kuliah berikut adalah C:

LUH1A2 Bahasa Indonesia

HUH1x2* Pendidikan Agama dan Etika

HUH1G3 Pancasila dan KewarganegaraanSemua mata kuliah di tahun ke-4 (Semester 7 dan 8).

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Brief Description of Subjects

Semester 1

MUH1A4 Kalkulus 1 A/ MUH1A4 Calculus 1 A

 Mata kuliah Kalkulus 1 ditujukan untuk memberikan pengetahuan terkait dasar-dasar kalkulus yang diperlukan dalam tingkat sarjana. Materi yang diberikan di antaranya adalah sistem bilangan real, fungsi, limit dan kekontinuan, turunan dan aplikasinya, integral dan aplikasinya, fungsi transenden, dan integral tak wajar. Dengan perkuliahan ini mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami konsep turunan dan integral fungsi satu variabel dan aplikasinya.

Calculus 1 is to provide the students with fundamental knowledge of calculus required in the undergraduate level. The materials will be among others system of real numbers, function, limits and continuity, derivatives and its applications, integrals and its applications, function of transcendent, and improper integrals. It is expected that the students understand the concept of derivative and function integral of one variable and its applications.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Mursita, D. (2006). Matematika Dasar untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Rekayasa Sains.
Valberg, D., Purcell, E., Rigdon, S. (2006). Calculus, 9th Edition. Pearson.
Stewart, J. (2012). Calculus, 7th Edition. Brooks Cole.

FUH1A3 Fisika 1 A/ FUH1A3 Physics 1 A

Setelah mengikuti mata kuliah ini mahasiswa dapat memahami konsep mekanika yang meliputi kinematika, dinamika dan usaha-energi serta konsep gelombang dan sifat- sifatnya sebagai dasar pengetahuan untuk mata kuliah tingkat lanjut maupun sebagai dasar sebagai seorang insinyur.

Physics 1 A is to make the students understand the concepts of mechanics including kinematics, dynamics and energy as well as the concept of energy wave and its properties. It is given as the basic knowledge for other advanced subjects as well as basic foundation of an engineer.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Halliday, D., Resnick, R., Walker, J. (2010). Fisika Dasar (terjemahan), Edisi 7 Jilid 1. Erlangga.

FUH1B1 Praktikum Fisika 1 A/ FUH1A3 Physics 1 A Lab. Work

Setelah mengikuti mata kuliah ini mahasiswa dapat memahami konsep pengukuran besaran fisis, pengambilan data, analisis dan pengolahan data dari sistem percobaan fisika sederhana yang berlandaskan pada fenomena fisis mekanika dan gelombang.

Physics 1 A Lab. Work is provided to make students understand and internalize the concept of physical measurement , data acquisition, data analysis and processing from the system of simple physics lab works based on physical phenomena of mechanics and wave.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Fakultas Teknik Elektro (2016). Modul Praktikum Fisika 1 A. Bandung. Universitas Telkom.

FEH1H3 Algoritma dan Pemrograman B/ FEH1H3 Algorithm and Programming B

Algoritma dan Pemrogram adalah mata kuliah dasar pengenalan konsep dan notasi algoritmik seperti pengaturan penamaan, tipe data, input- output, pembangunan logika berpikir untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan secara terstruktur seperti pengulangan, prosedur, fungsi, tabel, rekor, rekursif, file sekuensial, dan bahasa pemrograman sebagai alat untuk membuktikan penyelesaian masalah tersebut.

Algorithms and Programming B is a basic subject introducing the concept and algorithmic notation such as setting names, data types, input-output, development of logical thinking to solve problems systematically such as repetitions, procedures, functions, tables, records, recursive, sequential files, and programming languages as tools to prove solution of the problem.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Rinaldi Munir (2007). Algoritma & Pemrograman (dalam Bahasa PASCAL dan C). Informatika Bandung.Budi Sutedjo,
Michael A. N. (2000). Algoritma & Teknik Pemrograman: Konsep, Implementasi, dan Aplikasi. Andi Yogyakarta.

FEH1I1 Praktikum Algoritma dan Pemrograman B/ FEH1I1 Algorithm and Programming B Lab. Work

Praktikum Algoritma dan Pemrogram adalah mata kuliah praktikum pengenalan konsep dan notasi algoritmik seperti pengaturan penamaan, tipe data, input-output, pembangunan logika berpikir untuk menyelesaikan permasalah secara terstruktur seperti pengulangan, prosedur, fungsi, tabel, record, rekursif, file sekuensial, dan bahasa pemrograman sebagai alat untuk membuktikan penyelesaian masalah tersebut.

Algorithm and Programming B Lab. Work is a practicum of algorithms and programming. It is a basic practicum to introduce the concept and algorithmic notation like setting names, data types, input-output, development of logical thinking to solve problems structured like repetition, procedures, functions, tables, records, recursive, sequential files, and programming languages as tools to prove solution of the problem.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Rinaldi Munir (2007). Algoritma & Pemrograman (dalam Bahasa PASCAL dan C). Informatika Bandung.
Budi Sutedjo, Michael A. N. (2000). Algoritma & Teknik Pemrograman: Konsep, Implementasi, dan Aplikasi. Andi Yogyakarta.

LUH1B2 Bahasa Inggris I/ LUH1B2 English I

Mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris I (General English) merupakan mata kuliah universitas yang memiliki capaian pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa agar mampu memahami ide dan makna secara kritis dari teks dan tuturan berbahasa inggris, serta mampu menyampaikan, mengonstruksikan dan mengkomunikasikan ide yang bermakna dalam Bahasa Inggris yang baik dan berterima.

English I (General English) is one of compulsory university subjects. It prepares students for understanding ideas and meanings of English texts and speeches critically. In addition it also prepares them to write scientific papers or reports and speak in good and correct English.  

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Hofstede, G., Hostede, G.J., and Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, Intercultural Cooperation and Its Importance for Survival. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Jones, Leo. (2007). Let’s Talk 1-3. New York: Cambridge University Press.
LeBeau, C. & Harrington, D. (2006). Discussion: Process and Principles. Oregon: Language Solution, Inc.
LeBeau, C. & Harrington, D. (2003). Getting Ready for Speech: A Beginner Guide to Public Speaking. Oregon: Language Solution, Inc.
McCharthy, M, & O’Dell F. (2013). Academic Vocabulary in Use. 8th Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Singleton, J. (2008). Writers at Work. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

DUH1A2 Literasi TIK/ DUH1A2 ICT Literacy

Literasi TIK membahas dan mempraktekkan kompetensi literasi TIK. Dimulai dengan membahas dasar dan komponen TIK, kemudian akan berfokus pada kompetensi literasi TIK yang meliputi analisa kebutuhan informasi untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah. Kemudian melakukan penemuan informasi yang dibutuhkan secara efektif dan efisien dan melakukan evaluasi terhadap informasi yang dihasilkan dan proses penemuannya. Informasi kemudian akan disimpan dan dikelola. Dilanjutkan dengan proses membangun konsep baru atau membuat pemahaman baru dari informasi yang ada. Selain itu juga akan dipelajari penggunaan informasi dengan pemahaman dan mengakui budaya, etika, ekonomi, masalah hukum, dan sosial seputar penggunaan informasi.

ICT literacy discusses and practices ICT literacy competencies. It begins with discussing basic and ICT components, then it will focus on ICT literacy competencies which include information need analysis to solve problems. The next step is searching the needed information effectively and efficiently and evaluating the information produced and the searching process. The information will then be stored and managed. Further, it will be continued with the process of building a new concept or create a new understanding of the available information. This subject also discusses the use of information by understanding and recognizing culture, ethics, economics, legal, and social matters about the use of information.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
American Library Association (2000). Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education.
The Association of College & Research Libraries (2015).Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (2008).
California ICT Digital Literacy Assessments and Curriculum Framework. Australian and New Zealand Institute for Information Literacy (2004).
Australian and New Zealand Information Literacy Framework: principles, standards and practice, second edition.
Tim Penulis Modul Praktikum S1 Teknik Informatika (2015). Modul Praktikum Aplikasi Perkantoran dan Pencarian Informasi. Fakultas Informatika, Universitas Telkom.

ETH1A2 Pengenalan Teknik Elektro/ ETH1A2 Introduction to ElectronicsEngineering

Materi Pengenalan Teknik Elektro memuat pengetahuan dasar, sejarah dan perkembangan teknologi elektro terkini yang meliputi dasar Teknik Tenaga Listrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, Komputer, Elektronika dan Teknik Kendali dengan didukung oleh pengetahuan ilmu fisika.

Introduction to Electrical Engineering contains basics of knowledge, history and recent electrical technology development in the world. Supported by understanding in Physics, this course presents power electric basic, telecommunication, computer, electronic and control systems.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Sarma, M. S. (2001). Introduction to Electrical Engineering. Northeastern University, Oxford University Press.
Sheldrake, A. L. (2003). Handbook of Electrical Enginering: for practitioners in the oil, gas and petrochemical industry. John Wiley & Sons.
PISCES Project (2012). Fundamental of Telecommunications. The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics.

Semester 2

MUH1D4 Kalkulus 2 A/ MUH1D4 Calculus 2 A

Mahasiswa memahami dan menguasai konsep turunan dan integral fungsi peubah banyak. Selanjutnya mahasiswa diharapkan memiliki ketrampilan menerapkan konsep- konsep dasar tersebut sebagai alat bantu pada mata kuliah selanjutnya. Adapun materi perkuliahannya adalah barisan dan deret, persamaan diferensial biasa, fungsi vektor, fungsi dua peubah, integral lipat dua dan tiga, integral garis dan integral permukaan.

Calculus 2A is provided to the students so that they understand and master the concepts of derivative and integral function of lots variables. Furthermore, students are expected to have skills to apply the basic concepts as a means to other subjects. The subject is the sequence and series, ordinary differential equations, vector functions, functions of two variables, integral double and triple, line integrals and surface integrals.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Mursita, D. (2006). Matematika Dasar untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Rekayasa Sains.
Valberg, D., Purcell, E., Rigdon, S. (2006). Calculus, 9th Edition.
Pearson.Stewart, J. (2012). Calculus, 7th Edition. Brooks Cole.

FUH1D3 Fisika 2 A/ FUH1D3 Physics 2 A

Tujuan matakuliah ini adalah memberikan pengenalan dan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa tentang konsep dasar medan listrik dan medan magnet, sehingga memudahkan mahasiswa untuk memahami prinsip listrik dan magnet dalam engineering.

Physics 2A is to introduce the basic concepts of electric field and magnetic field, making it easier for students to understand the principles of electricity and magnetism in engineering students.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Halliday, D., Resnick, R., Walker, J. (2010). Fisika Dasar (terjemahan), Edisi 7 Jilid 2. Erlangga

FUH1E1 Praktikum Fisika 2 A/ FUH1E1 Physics 2 A Lab. Work

Setelah mengikuti mata kuliah ini mahasiswa dapat memahami konsep pengukuran besaran fisis, pengambilan data, analisis dan pengolahan data dari system percobaan fisika sederhana yang berlandaskan pada fenomena fisis listrik dan magnet.

Physics 2 A Lab. Work is to give students with the understanding and experience of the concept of measuring physical quantities, data acquisition, data analysis and data processing from the system of simple physics lab works based on the physical phenomena of electricity and magnetism.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Fakultas Teknik Elektro (2016). Modul Praktikum Fisika 2 A. Universitas Telkom.

KUH1A3 Kimia/ KUH1A3 Chemistry

Kuliah ini memberikan pengetahuan dan pendalaman terhadap konsep-konsep dasar ilmu kimia, mengenal dan memahami fenomena alam beserta proses dan perubahannya. Materi yang dipelajari dalam kuliah ini adalah: konsep-konsep dasar mengenai struktur atom dan partikel sub atom, konsep-konsep dasar mengenai molekul dan pembentukannya, konsep dasar mengenai gas, interaksi senyawa-senyawa terlarut, baik yang bersifat elektrolit maupun nonelektrolit, kalor dan reaksi kimia, reaksi kesetimbangan, konsep entropi, dan arah reaksi serta hubungannya dengan energi bebas Gibbs.

Chemistry is to provide the students with knowledge and experience on basic concepts of chemistry, so that they are familiar with and understand the phenomena of nature and its processes and changes. It discusses the basic concepts of atomic structure and subatomic particles, basic concepts of molecules and its formation, the basic concept of gas, interaction of dissolved compounds, both electrolytes and non-electrolytes, heat and chemical reactions, equilibrium reaction, concept of entropy, and direction of reactions and its relationship with Gibbs free energy.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Chang, R. (2010). Chemistry, 10th edition. Boston: McGrawHill.
Brady, J. E., Jespersen, N. D., and Hyslop, A. (2015). Chemistry 7th edition.  New York: John Willey&Sons.
Ahmad, H. (2001). Penuntun Belajar Kimia Dasar. Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti.
Ebbing, D.D. (2012).General Chemistry, 10th edition. Boston Brooks Cole.

LUH2C2 Bahasa Inggris II/ LUH2C2 English II

Memberikan ‘an expository composition’ dengan ‘basic content’ yang formal, jelas namun natural sehingga mudah dipahami oleh pembaca dan sebagai dasar untuk essay ilmiah sederhana mulai dari latihan sentence patterns secara gramatikal, paragraph organization, relating ideas, unity, coherence sampai dengan reference, substitution, conjunction atau lexical manipulation, interpreting data, comparison, revising dan editing.

English II introduces the students to write formal expository texts with basic contents clearly and naturally, so that their writing is easily understood by the readers. This is the basis to write simple scientific essays. It starts from practicing sentence patterns, paragraph organization, relating ideas, unity, coherence to the reference, substitution, conjunction, or lexical manipulation, interpreting data, comparison, revising and editing.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Comfort, Jeremy et. al. (1993). English for The Telecommunications Industry, Oxford University Press.
Hutchinson, Tom and Alan Waters (1994). English for Technical Communication, United Kingdom: Longman Group UK Ltd.
Krisnawati, Lucia Dwi, S.S. (2000). English for Informatics, Duta Wacana University Press, Yogyakarta.

LUH1A2 Bahasa Indonesia/ LUH1A2 Indonesian Language

Mahasiswa mendapatkan kesempatan berlatih menulis secara terbimbing dan mendapatkan materi ragam bahasa tulis ilmiah meliputi 1) penulisan huruf, kata, unsur serapan, dan pemakaian tanda baca, 2) pembentukan kata dan kalimat serta paragraf, 3) tata istilah dan definisi, 4) pemilihan topik, tema, judul, dan penyusunan kerangka karya ilmiah, 5) penyusunan bab pendahuluan, kajian pustaka, analisis, dan simpulan, pelengkap awal dan pelengkap akhir, 6) konvensi karya tulis ilmiah: pengetikan, pengutipan, dan daftar pustaka, serta 7) keplagiatan.

Indonesian Language encourages the students to practice writing under guidance and obtain materials of variety scientific language including 1) writing letters, words, absorbed elements and the use of punctuation marks, 2) forming words and sentences as well paragraphs, 3) understanding terminology and definitions, 4) selecting topics, themes, titles, and drafting the framework of scientific works, 5) writing introduction, literature study, analysis, and conclusions, initial and ending complementary, 6) understanding the convention of scientific paper: typing, citations and bibliography, and 7) avoiding plagiarism.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Djuroto, Toto, Suprijadi, B. (2002). Menulis Artikel dan Karya Ilmiah. Bandung: Rosdakarya.
Alwi, Hasan (2003). Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia, Edisi 3. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Puspandari, D. (2011). Handout Bahasa Indonesia. Universitas Telkom.
Efendi (1979). Pedoman Penulisan Laporan. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa.
Widjono (2007). Bahasa Indonesia, Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian di Perguruan Tinggi. Jakarta: Grasindo.

HUH1A2 Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Etika/ HUH1A2 Islamic Religion and Ethics

Mata kuliah pendidikan agama dan etika Islam merupakan mata kuliah universitas yang memiliki kompetensi dasar pemahaman bagi mahasiswa yang diharapkan mampu berpikir rasional, bersikap dewasa dan dinamis, berpandangan luas, berkomitmen kuat dan melaksanakan ajaran Islam secara utuh, serta mampu melaksanakan proses belajar sepanjang hayat untuk menjadi ilmuwan dan profesional yang berkepribadian Islami yang menjunjung tinggi nila-nilai kemanusiaan dalam kehidupan.

Islam education and ethics is a compulsory university subject that provides basic competencies of understanding for students who are expected to think rationally, maturely and dynamically, broad-minded, have strong commitment and apply the teachings of Islam as a whole, and be able to implement a lifelong learning process as scientists and professionals that upholds Islamic values in their life.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Departemen Agama RI (2005). Al-Quran dan Terjemahannya. Direktorat Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Departemen Agama RI (2004). Materi Instruksional: Pendidikan Agama Islam di Perguruan Tinggi Umum. Jakarta.
Miftah Faridl (2004). Pokok-pokok Ajaran Islam. Bandung: Pustaka

HUH1B2 Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Etika/ HUH1B2 Christian Religion and Ethics

Mata kuliah pendidikan agama dan etika Kristen merupakan mata kuliah universitas yang menitikberatkan pada ilmu Ketuhanan dan etika Kristen yang meliputi konsep-konsep keilmuan mengenai 1) tritunggal, 2) manusia, 3) keselamatan, 4) iman, 5) dosa, 6) pertobatan, 7) kasih, serta 8) etika Kristen yang meliputi pergaulan pra-nikah, pornografi, dan okultisme.

Christian education and ethics is a compulsory university subject that focuses on the science of Christian Divinity and ethics which covers the concepts of knowledge regarding 1) the trinity, 2) humanity, 3) safety, 4) faith, 5) sin, 6) repentance, 7) love, and 8) Christian ethics that includes pre-marital promiscuity, pornography, and occultism.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Alkitab, LAI.
Brotosudarmo, Drie S. (2008). Pendidikan Agama Kristen Untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Yogyakarta: ANDI.
Becker, Dieter (1993). Pedoman Dogmatika. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia.
Niftrik, G.C van & Boland, B.J. (1987). Dogmatika Masakini. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia.
Verkuyl, J. (1993).Etika Kristen Bagian Umum. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia.
Darmaputra, Eka (1987).Etika Sederhana Untuk Semua. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia.
Yudho, Bambang (2006). How To Overcome Occultism. Yogyakarta: ANDI.
Hawkins, Craig S. (2004). Seluk Beluk Sihir. Yogyakarta: ANDI

HUH1C2 Pendidikan Agama Katholik dan Etika/ HUH1C2 Catholic Religion and Ethics

Mata kuliah pendidikan agama dan etika Katolik merupakan mata kuliah universitas yang diharapkan mampu membentuk mahasiswa yang beriman kepada Allah menurut pola hidup Yesus Kristus dengan senantiasa mempertanggungjawabkan imannya dalam hidup menggereja dan memasyarakat. Mata kuliah ini secara garis besar meliputi pemahaman- pemahaman mengenai manusia, agama, Yesus, dan gereja.

The subject of catholic education and ethics is a compulsory university subject that is expected to form the students who believe in Allah according to Jesus Christ’s life by always call to account his faith in life of Church and society. This subject is primarily based on the understanding of human, religion, Jesus, and the catholic church.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Lembaga Biblika Indonesia (2001). Alkitab Deuterokanonika. Ende.
Paus Yohanes Paulus II (2007). Katekismus Gereja Katolik (KGK). Ende: Penerbit Nusa Indah.
Paus Benediktus XVI (2009). Kompendium Katekismus Gereja Katolik. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
Tim Komkep KWI (2012). YouCat (Youth Cathecism). Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
DokPen KWI. Dokumen Ajaran Sosial Gereja. Yogyakarta: Kanisius

HUH1D2 Pendidikan Agama Hindu dan Etika/ HUH1D2 Hinduism Religion and Ethics

Mata kuliah pendidikan agama dan etika Hindu merupakan mata kuliah universitas yang mendorong mahasiswa untuk mampu menunjukkan sikap religius, kemanusiaan dan sosial, serta takwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa melalui pembelajaran berbagai kajian yang meliputi 1) ilmu pengetahuan, filsafat, dan agama, 2) etos kerja dalam Hindu, 3) Weda sabda suci Tuhan sumber ajaran Hindu, 4) Teologi Hindu, 5) catur purusa artha dan catur asrama, 6) Sosiologi Hindu, 7) sumber dan dasar-dasar etika Hindu, 8) yajna dan bhakti, serta 9) kepemimpinan Hindu.

The Hindu education and ethics is a compulsory university subject that encourages students to be able to demonstrate an attitude of religious, humanitarian, social, and piety to God Almighty through various learning studies include 1) science, philosophy, and religion, 2) work ethic in Hindu, 3) Weda the holy God words of the teachings of Hindu, 4) the theology of Hindu, 5) catur purusa artha and catur asrama, 6) The Sociology of Hindu, 7) sources and foundations of Hindu’s ethics, 8) yajna and bhakti, and 9) leadership of Hindu.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
I Gusti Made Ngurah, Drs, dkk. (2012). Pendidikan Agama Hindu Untuk Perguruan Tinggi, Surabaya, Paramitha.
Gelgel Prof. DR. I Putu, SH, M.Hum, Suma I Made, SH, M.Pd, Surapati I Nengah Drs, SH, MH, dkk. (2009). Hukum Hindu, Jakarta, Direktorat Jendral Bimbingan Masyarakat Hindu Departemen Agama RI.
Pudja G, SH, MA. (2012). Bhagavad Gītā, Surabaya, Paramita.

HUH1E2 Pendidikan Agama Budha dan Etika/ HUH1E2 Budhism Religion and Ethics

Mata kuliah pendidikan agama dan etika Budha merupakan mata kuliah universitas yang memotivasi mahasiswa dengan pemahaman dalam berketuhanan Yang Maha Esa dengan memahami berbagai keilmuan Budha yang meliputi 1) teologi Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa, 2) ilmu mengenai manusia, 3) Agama, ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni, 4) Kerukunan antar umat beragama, serta 5) agama dalam kehidupan politik dan hukum

Buddha education and ethics is a compulsory university subject that motivates the students with an understanding of the God Almighty to understand the science of Buddha which includes 1) theology of God, 2) the science of man, 3) Religion, science, technology, and arts, 4) religious harmony, and 5) the religion in political life and law.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Mulyadi Wahyono, SH (2002). Pokok-Pokok Dasar Agama Buddha. Jakarta.
Tim Penyusun (2003). Materi Kuliah Sejarah Perkembangan Agama Buddha. CV. Dewi Kayana Abadi Jakarta.
Pandit Jinaratana Kaharudin (2005). Abhidhammatthasangaha.

HUH1F2 Pendidikan Agama Khong Hu Cu dan Etika/ HUH1F2 Confucianism Religion and Ethics

Materi ini mencakup urgensi agama dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan sikap yang benar, pemahaman terhadap sumber hukum Kong Hu Cu, mengetahui sejarah Kong Hu Cu, mampu menjelaskan Jalan Suci yang dibawakan Ajaran Besar (Thai Hak), mampu menjelaskan tentang meneliti hakikat tiap perkara, mengetahui peran Kong Hu Cu dalam pengembangan sains dan teknologi.

Khong Hu Cu discusses the urgency of the religion in daily life with right attitude; understand the sources of Kong Hu Cu’s rules, history of Kong Hu Cu, Sacred Way by Thai Hak which is able to explain the nature of each case examined, understand the roles of Kong Hu Cu in science and technology development.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Kitab Sishu (2012). Kitab Suci Agama Konghucu. Surakarta: Majelis Tinggi Agama Konghucu Indonesia (MATAKIN).(2011). Keputusan Bersama Menteri Agama, Jaksa Agung, dan Menteri Dalam NegeriRepublik Indonesia. Jakarta: Menteri Dalam Negeri. (1975). Tata Agama Dan Tata Laksana Upacara Agama Khonghucu. Surakarta:MATAKIN
Negoro, T.K Beng Setio (2005). Rahasia Kehidupan Jilid I. Bandung: Karya Bengras.

FEH1J2 Konsep Pengembangan Sains dan Teknologi A/ FEH1J2 Concept of Science and Technology Development A

Mata kuliah ini bertujuan membentuk pola berpikir yang benar untuk seorang engineer dengan materi sejarah sains dan teknologi, perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi, model, sistem, umpan balik, pengambilan keputusan, optimasi, perekayasaan, profesionalisme, desain, hak atas kekayaan intelektual.

Concept of Science and Technology Development A aims to establish the mindset of an engineer with the history of science and technology, development of science and technology, models, systems, feedback, decision making, optimization, modifying, professionalism, design, intellectual property rights.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
T. Bowell and G. Kemp (2005). Critical Thinking; A Concise Guide, 2ed. Taylor and Francis, New York.
James Trefil, Robert M. Hazen (2010). The Sciences: An Integrated Approach. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Lars Skyttner (2001). General System Theory: Ideas and Application. World Scientific, Singapore.
B.Gower (1997). Scientific Method and Historical and Philosophical Introduction. Routledge, London.

Semester 3

MUH1G3 Matriks dan Ruang Vektor/ MUH1G3 Matrices and Vector Spaces

Mata kuliah ini memberikan pengetahuan tentang matriks, determinan matriks, ruang vektor, ruang hasil kali dalam, orthogonal, orthonormal, kernel dan jangkauan suatu transformasi linier, nilai, dan vektor eigen, serta diagonalisasi. Mata kuliah ini juga memberikan keahlian mahasiswa tentang kemampuan menyelesaikan Operasi Baris Elementer (OBE) untuk memperoleh matriks eselon baris tereduksi, invers matriks, determinan matriks, dan solusi SPL. Serta kemampuan memeriksa apakah suatu himpunan vektor bersifat membangun dan bebas linier, menentukan basis dan dimensi ruang baris, ruang kolom, dan ruang solusi, mentransformasikan suatu basis  menjadi basis orthonormal,  dan menentukan proyeksi orthogonal dari vektor pada suatu bidang menggunakan metode Gramm-Schimdt, menentukan basis kernel dan jangkauan suatu TL, menentukan matriks yang mendiagonalkan A, beserta matriks diagonalnya. Serta mampu menyelesaikan sistem persamaan differensial menggunakan konsep ruang eigen.

Matrices and Vector Spaces discuss matrices, determinants of matrices, vector spaces, inner product spaces, orthogonal, orthonormal, kernel and range of a linear transformation, value, and eigen vectors and diagonalization. This subject also gives students the skills to solve Elementary Row Operations (OBE) to obtain the reduced row echelon matrices, inverse matrices, determinant of matrices, and the SPL solution. This subject also develops the students’ ability to check whether a set of vectors is constructive and linear free, determine the basis and dimension of the row space, column space, and space solutions, to transform a basis to be orthonormal basis, and determine the orthogonal projection of a vector on a plane using the Gramm-Schmidt method, to determine the kernel basis and the range of a TL, to determine matrices that diagonalize A, along with the diagonal matrices. Finally, it also makes the students be able to solve a system of differential equations using the eigen space concept.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Anton H. (2004). Aljabar Linier Elementer.
Steven J Leon (2001). Aljabar Linier dan Aplikasinya.

FEH2H3 Aljabar Boolean dan Rangkaian Logika/ FEH2H3 Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits

Mahasiswa mempelajari tentang Teori Aljabar Boolean dan Implementasinya kedalam rangkaian Logika. Topik terdiri pengenalan dasar Gerbang Logika, Rangkaian Kombinasional, Penyederhanaan rangkaian kombinasional menggunakan K-Map, Perancangan Rangkaian Multiplexer, Adder, Substractor, Rangkaian Sekuensial, dan menganalisa rangkaian rangkaian Logika.

Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits introduce the students to the theory of Boolean Algebra and its implementation into Logic Circuit. The topic consists of Basic Logic Gates, Combinational circuit, Simplification of Combinational circuit using K-Map, Design of Multiplexer circuit, Adder and Subtractor, Sequential Circuit and Analyzing Logic Circuit.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Kumar. A. A. (2003). Fundamentals of Digital Circuits. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Godse, A. P.,Godse, D. A. (2009). Digital Logic Circuits. Technical Publication.
Nelson, V. P. (2007). Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design. Pearson Education. Taiwan.

FEH2K3 Variabel Kompleks/ FEH2K3 Complex Variables

Mata kuliah ini memberikan pengetahuan tentang sistem bilangan kompleks, fungsi kompleks, keanalitikan dan integrasi, deret fungsi kompleks. Mata kuliah ini juga memberikan keahlian mahasiswa tentang kemampuan menyelesaikan integral kompleks, deret fungsi kompleks, serta residu dan penggunaannya untuk menyelesaikan integral kompeks dan integral real.

Complex Variables provides the students with knowledge of the system of complex numbers, complex functions, analytics and integration, series of complex functions. This subject also gives students skills to solve complex integrals, series of complex functions, as well as residues and its use to solve real and complex integral.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Brown, J., Churchill, R. (2013). Complex Variables and Applications, 9th edition. McGraw-Hill Education.
Ablowitz, M. J., Fokas, A. S. (2003). Complex Variables: Introduction and Applications, 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press.
Bak, J., Newman, D. J. (2010). Complex Analysis, 3rd edition. Springer.

ETH2A1 Praktikum Teknik Elektro 1/ ETH2A1 Electronics Eng. Lab. Work 1

Praktikum Teknik Elektro 1 bertujuan untuk memberikan pendalaman pemahaman dan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah rangkaian listrik, aljabar Boolean dan rangkaian logika.

Electronics Engineering Lab. Work 1 is to strengthen the students’ understanding and skills in electronic circuit, a Boolean algebra, and logic circuit.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Fakultas Teknik Elektro  (2016). Modul Praktikum Teknik Elektro 1. Universitas Telkom.
Dorf, Richard, James A. Svoboda (2006). Introduction to Electric Circuit. Crawley: John Wiley & Sons.
Ramdhani, Mohamad (2008). Rangkaian Listrik. Erlangga.

FEH2B4 Rangkaian Listrik/ FEH2B4 Electric Circuits

Memberikan pengertian tentang konsep Rangkaian Listrik, mempelajari Hukum Ohm, Hukum Kirchoff, dan aplikasinya baik dalam rangkaian DC maupun ac dengan menggunakan metode analisis dan teorema termasuk di dalamnya membahas komponen pasif R, L, C dan komponen aktif sumber tegangan dan arus, berikut dibahas nilai besaran-besaran rangkaian listrik, membahas daya pada komponen RLC, frekuensi kompleks dan fungsi transfer berikut aplikasi pada respons frekuensi dan kutub empat, dan kopling magnetik.

Electric Circuits provides students with the concept of Electric Circuits, learning Ohm’s Law , Kirchoff ‘s Law , and their applications both in the DC and AC circuits using analytical methods and theorems including passive components of R , L , C and active components of the source voltage and current, the value of electrical circuits , also discusses the power on RLC components, the complex frequency and transfer function and the application of frequency response and two-port network , and magnetic coupling.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Dorf, Richard, James A. Svoboda (2006). Introduction to Electric Circuit. Crawley: John Wiley & Sons.
Ramdhani, Mohamad (2008). Rangkaian Listrik. Erlangga.

FEH2F3 Elektromagnetika/ FEH2F3 Electromagnetics

Mata kuliah ini memberikan kemampuan pengetahuan mahasiswa tentang teori dan dasar elektromagnetika melalui pemahaman konsep-konsep dan hukum-hukum elektromagnetika. Materi berisi: analisis vektor, meliputi aljabar vektor, kalkulus vektor, sistem koordinat dan bilangan kompleks sangat diperlukan untuk memahami elektrisitas dan magnetisitas. Konsep persamaan Maxwell dijelaskan mulai dari hukum Gauss, hukum Faraday dan hukum Ampere dalam bentuk integral. Untuk memudahkan pemecahan persoalan kemudian diturunkan ke dalam persamaan Maxwell bentuk diferensial. Sebagai contoh penggunaan persamaan Maxwell adalah analisis gelombang datar uniform pada medium vakum/udara dan medan statis. Karakteristik berbagai jenis bahan (dielektrik, konduktor, bahan magnetis) juga dibahas untuk melihat bagaimana reaksinya terhadap medan elektromagnetika.

Electromagnetics gives students the theory and basic electromagnetics through understanding the concepts and laws of electromagnetics. The materials contain vector analysis, including vector algebra, vector calculus, coordinate systems and complex numbers needed to understand the electricity and magnetisity. The concept of Maxwell’s equations is described Gauss’s law, Faraday’s law, and Ampere’s law in integral form. This is to facilitate problem-solving then derived into the differential form of Maxwell’s equations. As an example of using the Maxwell equation is the analysis of uniform plane wave in the vacuum/air medium and static fields. The characteristics of various types of materials (dielectrics, conductors, magnetic materials) are also discussed to see the reaction to the electromagnetic field.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Constantine A Balanis (2012). Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, 2nd edition. Jhon Wiley and Sons.
William H Hyat, John A Buck (2012). Engineering Electromagnetics, 8th edition. Mc Graw Hill.

DUH2A2 Kewirausahaan/ DUH2A2 Entrepreneurship

Mata kuliah Kewirausahaan ini adalah mata kuliah dengan konsentrasi pada Business Plan yang dapat diimplementasikan oleh mahasiswa selama satu semester. Mahasiswa dalam tiap tahapan belajar akan mengkaji pokok bahasan Pengertian Kewirausahaan, Motivasi, Inovasi, Kepemimpinan, Kreativitas, Pengembangan Ide, Kerja Sama, Negosiasi – Relasi Usaha, Business Plan, dan Praktik Business Plan yaitu merancang dan mengevaluasi business plan.

Entrepreneurship concentrates on the Business Plan that can be implemented by a student for one semester. Students in each learning stage will examine the Entrepreneurship Understanding, Motivation, Innovation, Leadership, Creativity, Idea Development, Cooperation, Negotiations – Business Relations, Business Plan, and Business PlanPractice that is designing and evaluating the business plan.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Hendro (2011). Dasar-dasar Kewirausahaan. Penerbit Erlangga.Maxwell, J. C. (2014). The Five Level of Leadership. MIC.
Malhotra, D. (2014). I Move Your Cheese. MIC.
Tim Kick Andy (2014). Kreativitas Tanpa Batas. Bentang Pustaka.
Maxwell, J. C. (2015). Teamwork Makes The Dream Work: Wujudkan Impian Besarmu. MIC.
Chandra, R. I. (2010). Serial Perjalanan Kepemimpinan: Kamu Juga Bisa!. Young Leaders Indonesia.

Semester 4

DUH2B2 Geladi/ DUH2B2 Basic On-the-Job Training

Mata kuliah ini bertujuan mengenalkan dunia kerja kepada mahasiswa. Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat mengenali ruang lingkup pekerjaan dan praktek-praktek berkomunikasi di lembaga-lembaga yang menjadi lokasi Geladi tanpa perlu terlibat dalam pemecahan masalah berdasarkan kaidah-kaidah ilmiah. Geladi diharapkan dapat memperkaya wawasan tentang dunia kerja selepas pendidikan sarjana bagi mahasiswa.

Basic-On-the-Job Traing or Geladi is an off-campus activity in a company, in which the students train themselves in basic industrial operation. The students are expected to develop not only technical skills but also soft skills needed for their future professional life. This activity will enrich the students’ perception of real working environment when they graduate. The subject will be followed by the Kerja Praktek (on-the-job training) in the following year in which the students will deepen their work skills. By the end of this activity, the students are expected to write a report and present it before the supervisor.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Unversitas Telkom (2016). Buku Pegangan Geladi.
(2007). Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Edisi Ke-3. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Keraf, G. (1971). Komposisi: Sebuah pengantar kemahiran bahasa.
Ende: Nusa Indah.Panitia Pengembangan Bahasa Indonesia (2000). Pedoman umum ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang disempurnakan.

MUH1F3 Probabilitas dan Statistika A/ MUH1F3 Probability and statistics A

MK ini membekali mahasiswa kompetensi untuk memahami konsep probabilitas dan besaran statistik: konsep probabilitas yaitu sampel, probabilitas, percobaan, teori himpunan, probabilitas bersyarat dan teorema bayes, kejadian saling bebas, random variables, pdf dan cdf, ekspektasi, dan varians, distribusi spesial: uniform, gaussian, binomial, poisson, erlang. Pengantar random proses dan pemodelan random proses (state diagram) pengantar ke statistik dan estimasi distribusi

Probability and Statistics equip the students with competencies to understand the concepts of probability and the statistic values covering the concept of probability namely samples, probability, experiments, set theory, conditional probability and Bayes theorem, independent events, random variables, the pdf and cdf, expectation, and variance. In addition, it discusses special distributions namely uniform, Gaussian, Binomial, Poisson, Erlang. Introduction to random processes and random modeling processes (state diagram) are discussed to introduce the students to statistics and distribution estimation.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Leon-Garcia, A.(2008). Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for Electrical Engineers. Pearson.
DeCoursey, W. (2003).  Statistics and Probability for Engineering Applications. Elsevier.
Rosenkrantz, W. A. (1997). Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers. McGraw-Hill.
Bertsekas, D.P., & Tsitsiklis, J.(2008). Introduction to Probability. Athena Scientific.

FEH2G4 Elektronika/ FEH2G4 Electronics

Mata kuliah ini berisikan materi sebagai berikut: material semikonduktor (silikon) intrinsik, tipe n, dan tipe p; sambungan p-n, prinsip kerja dioda, dan rangkaian aplikasi dioda; prinsip kerja BJT (saturasi, cut-off, dan aktif maju), MOSFET, dan JFET (saturasi, cut-off, dan ohmic); analisa dc (sinyal besar) rangkaian pra-tegangan BJT, MOSFET, dan JFET; analisa ac (sinyal kecil) rangkaian penguat berbasis BJT dan MOSFET di frekuensi tengah; topologi penguat BJT: common emitter, common collector, dan common base; topologi penguat MOSFET: common source, common drain, dan common gate; penguat cascade, cascode, diferensial, dan cermin arus; rangkaian penguat berbasis OpAmp.

Electronics discusses Semiconductor material (silicon), intrinsic, type n, and type p; P-N junction, diode working principle, as well as its circuit applications; working principle of BJT (cut-off, saturation, and forward active), MOSFET, dan JFET (cut-off, saturation, and ohmic). Large signal/DC analysis of BJT, MOSFET, and JFET pre-voltage circuits; small signal/AC analysis of BJT’s, MOSFET’s amplifier circuits: common emitter, common collector, and common base (in BJT): common source, common drain, and common gate; (MOSFET) Multi-transistor amplifiers: cascade, cascode, differential, Current mirror; OpAmp based amplifiers.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Sedra, A. S., & Smith, K. C. (2014). Microelectronic Circuits, 7th Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Neamen, D. A. (2009). Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design, 4th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Higher Education.

ETH2B1 Praktikum Teknik Elektro 2/ ETH2B1 Electronics Eng. Lab. Work 2

Praktikum Teknik Elektro 2 bertujuan untuk memberikan pendalaman pemahaman dan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah Elektronika dan Mikrokomputer.

Electronics Engineering Lab. Work 2 improves the students’ understanding and skills in electronics and microcomputer subjects.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Gene H. Miller (1993). Microcomputer Engineering, 3rd Edition.
Sedra, A. S., & Smith, K. C. (2014). Microelectronic Circuits, 7th Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Neamen, D. A. (2009). Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design, 4th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Higher Education

ETH2C4 Mikrokomputer/ ETH2C4 Microcomputers

Mahasiswa akan mempelajari tentang Teori Sistem Komputer dan Mikrokomputer. Topik terdiri pengenalan Komponen Mikroprosesor dan Mikrokontroler Arsitektur. Komputer, Sistem Minimum Mikrokontroller, Bahasa Pemrograman, dan Penggunaan feature feature yang ada dalam sistem mikrokontroller yang digunakan dalam sebuah sistem mikrokomputer.

Microcomputers introduce the students to the theories of microcomputers and computer system. It discusses the introduction to Microprocessor and architecture microcontroller. Computer, Minimum system of microcontroller, Programming language, the implementation of features of the used Microcontroller in a microcomputer system.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Gene H. Miller (1993). Microcomputer Engineering, 3rd Edition.

FEH2I3 Persamaan Diferensial dan Aplikasi/ FEH2I3 Differential Equations and Applications

Mata kuliah ini memberikan pengetahuan tentang persamaan diferensial biasa (pdb), sistem persamaan diferensial biasa, Transformasi Laplace, Deret Fourier, Masalah Nilai batas. Mata kuliah ini juga memberikan keahlian mahasiswa tentang kemampuan menyelesaikan solusi deret, Masalah Nilai batas, dan metode pemisahan peubah untuk menyelesaikan persamaan panas dalam daerah hingga, dan memperhatikan aspek fisis dari teori yang dibahas, juga interpretasi dan simulasi.

Differential Equations and Applications provide the students with the knowledge of ordinary differential equations (GDP), a system of ordinary differential equations, Laplace transformation, Fourier series, limit value problem. This subject also gives students skills about the ability to finish the series solution, limit value problem, and the method of variables separation to solve the heat equation in the area, and pay attention to the physical aspects of the theory discussed, as well as interpretation and simulation.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Boyce, W. E., DiPrima, R. C. (2013). Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 10th edition.
Wiley.Zill, D. G. (2010). A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications, 10th edition. Brooks Cole.

FEH2L3 Pengolahan Sinyal Waktu Kontinu/ FEH2J3 Continuous-Time Signal Processing

Pengolahan Sinyal Waktu Kontinu memberikan pemahaman sifat dan karakteristik sinyal dan pengoperasiannya dalam sebuah sistem linier tak berubah waktu (linear time invariant, LTI).  Metode dan tool untuk operasi sinyal dan sistem yang dipelajari di antaranya analisa Laplace, Fourier untuk menjelaskan kestabilan, tanggapan sistem dan sebagainya.

Continue–time signal processing helps the students to understand signal properties, characteristics, and the operation of the signals on LTI systems. This subject discusses the students the methods and tools to operate the signals and systems learned such as Laplace and Fourier Transformation which can be used to describe the stability, system response etc.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Michael J. Roberts (2012). Signals and Systems, Analysis Using Transform Methods and MATLAB®. Mc Graw-Hill.
Hwei P Hsu (1995). Schaum’s outline of theory and problem of Signal and System. Mc Graw-Hill.

Semester 5

FEH2J3 Matematika Diskrit B/ FEH2J3 Discrete Mathematics B

Mata kuliah ini memberikan pengetahuan tentang konsep teori himpunan, relasi dan fungsi, dan kombinatorial. Mata kuliah ini juga memberikan keahlian mahasiswa tentang kemampuan menyelesaikan aplikasi graf dan pohon, serta menghitung kompleksitas algoritma.

Discrete Mathematics B provides the students with the concepts of set theory, relations and functions, and combinatorial. This subject also develops students’ skills to use the graphs and trees application, as well as calculate algorithm complexity.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Kenneth Rosen (2011). Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7th Edition. McGraw-Hill Education.
Richard Johnsonbaugh (2015). Discrete Mathematics, 8th Edition. Pearson.
Susanna S. Epp (2010). Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 4th Edition. Brooks Cole.

FEH2D2 Studium Generale/ FEH2D2 Studium Generale

Mata kuliah ini akan memberikan wawasan kepada para mahasiswa tentang perkembangan berbagai hal yang terjadi di masyarakat, dengan mengundang para pakar yang kompeten di bidangnya. Mahasiswa diharapkan menulis rangkuman dari setiap paparan dan mengolahnya sehingga menjadi pengetahuan dan menghubungkannya dengan keseharian profesional mereka kelak.

Studium Generale broadens the students’ knowledge about recent technological and non-technological development. Experts are invited to give lectures and the students are expected to write down the summary and turn it into knowledge which might give them better understanding of their professionals and relate it to their future.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Keraf, G. (1971). Komposisi: Sebuah pengantar kemahiran bahasa. Ende: Nusa Indah.
Panitia Pengembangan Bahasa Indonesia (2000). Pedoman umum ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang disempurnakan.

ETH3B3 Antarmuka dan Integrasi Sistem/ ETH3B3 System Interface and Integration

Perkuliahan ini dirancang untuk mengenalkan teknologi yang digunakan dalam mendesain antarmuka rangkaian PC (personal computer) atau Mikrokomputer unutk mengendalikan atau berinteraksi dengan perangkat ekternal. Perkuliahan berfokus pada fungsi struktur dan operasional PC atau mikrokomputer; konektor perangkat dan format sinyalnya; komunikasi standar parallel dan serial seperti I2C, ModBus, TWI, RS232, RS485, USB, Ethernet, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Merancang dan membuat perangkat prototipe dan modul perangkat lunak untuk implementasi dan pengujian pada rangkaian antarmuka.

System Interface and Integration is designed to introduce technology used for designing an interface of PC or Microcomputer circuit to control and interact with external devices. The subject focuses on the structure and the operational functions of a typical PC or Microcomputer; device connectors and its signal format; standard parallel and serial communications such as I2C, ModBus, TWI, RS232, RS485, USB, Ethernet, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Zigbee. The students will learn how to design and build modules of prototypes, hardware, and software. Then they have to implement then test these modules on interfacing circuits.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Rush, C. (2015). Programming the spark photon and spark core: Getting started with the internet of things (1st ed.). New York: Mcgraw-Hill Education.
Bdeir, A. (2015). Getting Started with LittleBits: Learning and Inventing with Modular Electronics (1st ed.). O’Reilly Media, Incorporated.
Scherz, P. (2016). Practical electronics for inventors, fourth edition (4th ed.). Mcgraw-Hill Education.
Grace, T. (2015). Programming and interfacing Atmel AVR microcontrollers. Course Technology Ptr.
Smith, W. A. (2010). ARM microcontroller interfacing hardware and software. Susteren: Elektor.

ETH3C3 Sistem Kendali Dasar/ ETH3C3 Basic Control Systems

Setelah mengambil mata kuliah ini, diharapkan mahasiswa memahami konsep dasar dan aplikasi pengendalian dalam berbagai bidang keteknikan dan sebagai dasar untuk mempelajari metode pengendalian tingkat lanjut termasuk kendali cerdas. Mahasiswa akan diberi wawasan tentang sistem pengaturan dan aplikasinya dalam bidang keteknikan. Materinya meliputi: matematika untuk kendali (Laplace’s transform), sistem kendali lup terbuka (open loop) dan sistem kendali lup tertutup (close loop), fungsi alih, diagram alir, ruang keadaan, aksi dasar kendali yang meliputi proporsional integral derivatif (PID), analisis kestabilan dengan Routh, Nyquist dan Bode plot, tanggapan sistem orde 1 dan orde 2. Di akhir perkuliahan, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu mengimplementasikan kontrol PID.

Basic Control Systems discusses the basic concepts and control applications in engineering as a basis for studying advanced control methods including intelligent control. The materials consist of mathematic tool (Laplace’s transform), open-loop control system and closed loop control system, transfer function, signal flow graph, state space, control signal include proportional integral derivative (PID), stability analysis using Routh, Nyquist and Bode plot, and also frequency response of system of first and second-order. At the end of the semester, students are expected to be able to implement PID control.


Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Katsuhiko Ogata (2010). Modern Control Engineering, 5th edition. Prentice Hall International Editions.
Karl J. Astrom & Bjorn Wittenmark (1996). Computer Controlled System: Theory & Design. Prentice Hall International.

ETH3D1 Praktikum Teknik Elektro 3/ ETH3D1 Electronics Eng. Lab. Work 3

Praktikum Teknik Elektro 3 bertujuan untuk memberikan pendalaman pemahaman dan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah Sistem Kendali Dasar, Rangkaian elektronika Terapan, dan Pengolahan Sinyal Waktu Diskrit.

Electronics Eng. Lab. Work 3 is to strengthen students’ understanding and develop skills in Basic control system, applied electronics circuit and discrete time signal processing.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Fakultas Teknik Eletro (2016). Modul praktikum Praktikum Teknik Elektro 3. Universitas Telkom.
Dorf, Richard, James A. Svoboda (2006). Introduction to Electric Circuit. Crawley: John Wiley & Sons.
Ramdhani, Mohamad (2008). Rangkaian Listrik. Erlangga.

FEH3A3 Pengolahan Sinyal Waktu Diskrit/ FEH3A3 Discrete-Time Signal Processing

Pemrosesan sinyal dalam sistem waktu diskrit (digital) dapat dilakukan dalam kawasan waktu yang dijabarkan dengan berbagai operasi sinyal, antara lain konvolusi dan korelasi sinyal. Pemrosesan juga dapat dijelaskan dalam kawasan frekuensi dengan memanfaatkan Transformasi Fourier, Transformasi Fourier Diskret, FFT dan transformasi-Z serta transformasi diskrit lainnya yang akan mendukung keperluan analisa-sintesa sistem diskret. Perancangan Filter Digital IIR dan FIR dengan berbagai metode merupakan bentuk analisa-sintesa sistem digital secara konkrit.

Signal processing in a discrete time system (digital) can be done within the time described in various operating signals, among others, convolution and correlation of signals. The processing can also be explained in a frequency area by using a Fourier transformation, discrete Fourier transformation, FFT and Z-transformation and other discrete transformation that supports the needs of analysis-synthesis of discrete systems. The Design of Digital IIR and FIR Filter with various methods is a form of real analysis-synthesis of digital systems.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Roberts, M.J. (2012). Analysis Using Transforms Methods and Matlab, 2nd Edition.

ETH3E3 Rangkaian Elektronika Terapan / ETH3E3 Applied Electronic Circuits

Mata kuliah ini berisikan materi sebagai berikut: rangkaian penguat berumpan balik negatif, penguat tertala, rangkaian penguat berumpan balik positif (osilator dan multivibrator), AC-to-DC adaptor (filter dan regulator), switching power supply, digital electronics circuits, data converter (DAC and ADC).

Applied Electronic Circuits discusses negative feedback circuits, tuned amplifier, positive feedback circuits (oscillators and multivibrators), AC-to-DC adaptors (filter and regulators),  Switch-mode power supply, Digital Electronics circuits and Data converter (DAC and ADC). 

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Sedra, A. S., & Smith, K. C. (2014). Microelectronic Circuits, 7th Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Neamen, D. A. (2010). Microelectronics: Circuit Analysis and Design, 4th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Boylestad, R., Nashelsky, L. (2013). Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 11th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Semester 6

HUH1G3 Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan/ HUH1G3 Pancasila and Civics

Mata kuliah pancasila dan kewarganegaraan merupakan mata kuliah universitas yang menjelaskan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan konsep aktualisasi dari nilai-nilai Pancasila serta kewarganegaraan Indonesia yang secara garis besar meliputi pemahaman mengenai 1) pengembangan kepribadian, 2) ideologi berbangsa dan bernegara, 3) hak asasi manusia, 4) hak dan kewajiban warga negara, 5) aktualisasi demokrasi berkeadaban, 6) analisis penegakkan hukum dan the rules of law, serta 7) berbangsa dan bernegara

Pancasila and civics is a compulsory university subject that discusses various matters related to the actualization concept values of Pancasila and Indonesian citizenship which is primarily based on understanding: 1) the development of personality, 2) the ideology of the state and nation, 3) human rights, 4) the rights and obligations of citizens, 5) actualization of civilized democracy, 6) analysis of law enforcement and the rule of law, and 7) the state and nation.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Arwiyah, Yahya.M dkk. (2011). Pendidikan Karakter di Perguruan Tinggi. Bandung: YPT Press.
Arwiyah, Yahya.M dkk.(2014). Civic Education di indonesia. Bandung: ALfabeta.
Arwiyah, Yahya.M. (2013). Regulasi Kewarganegaraan Indonesia. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Budimansyah, D. dan Winataputra, S. U. (2007). Civic education konteks ,landasan, bahan ajar, dan kultur kelas. Bandung: Program Studi Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Somantri, M.N. (2001). Menggagas Pembaharuan Pendidikan IPS, Bandung. Penerbit PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
Undang-undang Dasar 1945 pasca amandemen.Instrumen-instrumen HAM Nasional dan Internasional (PBB).
Kaelan. (1990). Pancasila. Yogyakarta : Panorama.Muchtar, K .(1983). Hukum Laut Internasional, Bandung : PT Bina Cipta.
Notonagoro .(1980). Beberapa hal Mengenai Falsafah Pancasila. Jakarta : Pancuran Tujuh .
Tim Dikti & Lemhannas (2003), Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Jakarta: PT. Gramedia.
Undang-Undang No.20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.
Undang-Undang No. 2 Tahun 2002 Tentang POLRI.Undang-Undang No.3 Tahun 2002 Tentang Pertahanan Negara.
Undang-Undang No. 22 Tahun 1999 jo. UU No.32 Tahun 2004 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah.
Branson. S. Margaret dkk. (1998). “Belajar “Civic Education” dari Amerika”, Yogyakarta : diterbitkan atas kerjasama : Lembaga Kajian Islam dan Sosial (LKiS) dan The Asia Foundation (TAF).
Cogan, J. J., dan Derricott, R., (1998). Citizenship for the 21st century: An International perspective on Education.London : Kogan Page

FEH2E2 Ekonomi Teknik B/ FEH2E2 Engineering Economics B

Mempelajari proses pengambilan keputusan atas alternatif di bidang rekayasa dan bisnis dengan pertimbangan/kriteria ekonomi. Mengenalkan proses atau model pengambilan keputusan di bidang rekayasa. Mempelajari konsep time value of money, konsep bunga (interest), cash flow diagram, ekivalensi (Present Worth, Annual Worth, Future Worth). Mempelajari metode-metode analisis sebagai dasar perbandingan alternatif (analisis: PW; AW/EUA; FW; IRR; BCR; Pay back period; Incremental). Menjelaskan metode-metode depresiasi, konsep pajak, analisis cash flow setelah pertimbangan pajak dan depresiasi. Mempelajari analisis investasi dengan pertimbangan sensitivitas dan ketidakpastian. Mempelajari analisis replacement.

Engineering Economics B discusses the concept of time value of money, the concept of interest, cash flow diagram, the equivalence (Present Worth, Annual Worth, Future Worth). Studying the methods of analysis as a basis for alternative comparison (analysis: PW; AW / EUA; FW; IRR; BCR; Payback period; Incremental). It discusses methods of depreciation, tax concept, analysis of cash flow after tax considerations and depreciation. It studies the investment analysis by considering the sensitivity and uncertainty, and replacement analysis as well. In addition, it introduces the students to the process or model of making decision in engineering so that they have the ability to make alternative decisions in engineering and business with considerations/economic criteria.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Newnan, Donald G.; Eschenbach, Ted G.; Lavelle, Jerome P. (2004). Engineering Economic Analysis” 9th edition. Oxford University Press.
Sullivan, Wicks, Luxhoj. (2003). Engineering Economy, 12th Edition. New Jersey : Pearson Education, Inc.
DeGarmo, Sullivan, Bontadelli, Wicks. (1997). Engineering Economy, Tenth Edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.

ETH3F3 Instrumentasi dan Pengukuran Elektrik/ ETH3F3 Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements

Memberikan pengetahuan tentang besaran, satuan dan kesalahan pengukuran, analisis statistika sederhana, rangkaian pengukuran untuk arus, tegangan, daya dan tahanan (R, L, C), teknik jembatan, perancangan alat ukur dengan komponen sensor, transduser, pengkondisi sinyal atau mikrokontroller, merealisasikan rangkaian insrumentasi pengukuran arus, tegangan dan daya listrik.

Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements provides the students with knowledge on the units and measurement error, simple statistical analysis, measurement circuit for current, voltage, power and resistance (R, L, C), bridges methods, the design of the measuring instrument with sensor components, transducers, signal conditioners or microcontroller, implement measurement instrumentation circuit for current, voltage and electrical power.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
A. F. P. van Putten (1996). Electronic measurement Systems, IOP Publishing.
J. P. Bentley (1995). Principles of Measurement Systems, 3rd Edition, Longman Group Ltd.
J. R. Carstens (1993) Electrical Sensors and Transducers. Regents/Prentice Hall, 1993.

ETH3G1 Praktikum Teknik Elektro 4/ ETH3G1 Electronics Eng. Lab. Work 4

Praktikum Teknik Elektron 4 bertujuan untuk memberikan pendalaman pemahaman dan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah Instrumentasi dan Pengukuran Elektrik, dan Sistem Kendali Digital.

Electronics Eng. Lab. Work 4 is to enhance students’ understanding and skills in the subject of electrical instrumentation and measurement, and digital control.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Fakultas Teknik Eletro (2016). Modul praktikum Praktikum Teknik Elektro 4. Universitas Telkom.
Philips, C.L, Nagle, H.T, Chakrabortty, A. (2015). Digital Control System Analysis and Design 4th Edition, Pearson.
Ibrahim, D. (2006). Microcontroller Based Applied Digital Control, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd

ETH3H3 Sistem Catu Daya/ ETH3H3 Power Supply Systems

Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang proses pembangkitan, jenis-jenis pembangkit (PLTA, PLTD, PLTU, PLTG, PLTS), instalasi elektrik dari pusat pembangkit, proses penyediaan tenaga elektrik, mutu tenaga elektrik dan Unbreakable Power Suply untuk telekomunikasi. Mata kuliah ini juga mempelajari tentang grounding, proteksi eksternal dan internal dari gangguan petir.

Power Supply Systems discusses generation process, type of power plan (PLTA, PLTD, PLTU, PLTG, PLTS), electricity installation from power plan, electricity supplying process, power quality and Unbreakable Power Supply for telecommunication. This subject also discusses grounding, external and internal protection against lightning attack.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Zuhal. (2000). Dasar Teknik Tenaga Listrik: Gramedia.Fowler, R. J. (1984). Electricity: Principles and Applications: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
Limited.Grigsby, L. L. (2007). Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution: CRC Press.
Gumhalter, H. (2012). Power Supply in Telecommunications: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

ETH3I3 Sistem Telekomunikasi/ ETH3I3 Telecommunications System

Mahasiswa akan mempelajari tentang teori dan prinsip dari sistem komunikasi analog dan digital. Topik terdiri dari pengenalan sistem komunikasi dan subsistem penyusunannya, proses modulasi analog dan digital serta penggambaran spektrum frekuensi, analisis pergeseran spektrum frekuensi, sistem Komunikasi digital beserta sub sistem penyusunnya, indikator kinerja serta rekayasa parameter yang berhubungan dengan indikator kinerja.

Telecommunications System provides with the theory and principles of analog and digital communication systems. The topics include introduction to communication systems and subsystems formulation, process analog and digital modulation and the depiction of the frequency spectrum, the analysis shifts the frequency spectrum, digital communication systems and their constituent sub-systems, performance indicators as well as engineering parameters related to performance indicators.   

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Simon Haykin (2014). Digital Communication Systems. Jhon Wiley and Sons.

ETH3J3 Sistem Kendali Digital/ ETH3J3 Digital Control System

Matakuliah ini membekali mahasiswa kompetensi untuk memahami konsep sistem kendali digital. Di awal kuliah ini akan dibahas mengenai review dasar dasar sistem kendali secara umum yaitu pemodelan sistem dalam fungsi alih atau state space, dan contoh aplikasi sistem kendali. Selanjutnya dibahas mengenai proses pencuplikan dan rekonstruksi sinyal, teorema sampling (Shannon dan Nyquist), rangkaian ADC dan DAC, review sistem diskrit seperti transformasi-z dan inversnya, analisis pada sistem diskrit, diagram blok, jury test. Di akhir kuliah akan dibahas mengenai desain sistem kendali digital dengan metoda root locus, respon frekuensi, terakhir mahasiswa mencoba implementasi kontroler PID digital dengan Mikrokontroler.

Digital Control System develops the students’ competency to understand digital control system concept. At the beginning it discusses and reviews the basics of control system in general such as modelling system to transfer function or state space and the application example of control system. Next, it discusses Signal sampling and reconstruction, Sampling theorem (Nyquist and Shanon), ADC and DAC circuits, reviewing discrete system such as z-transform, analysis in discrete system, digital block diagram, jury test. Then, designing control system by root locus, and frequency response method are discussed. Finally, the students attempt to implement PID digital controller using microcontroller.


Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Philips, C.L, Nagle, H.T, Chakrabortty, A. (2015). Digital Control System Analysis and Design 4th Edition, Pearson.
Ibrahim, D. (2006).Microcontroller Based Applied Digital Control, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd

FEH3B2 Kerja Praktik/ FEH3B2 On-the-Job Training

Mata kuliah ini merupakan implementasi dari pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang telah didapatkan selama masa kuliah untuk berkontribusi membantu pemecahan masalah di berbagai perusahaan/instansi yang terkait dengan bidang teknik elektro, meliputi: industri, operator telekomunikasi, lembaga penelitian, serta pengguna infrastruktur telekomunikasi.

On-the-Job Training allows the students to implement their knowledge and skills learned and developed in the real industrial life. This activity encourages the students to get involved in industrial daily life, especially in relevant industries to electronics engineering subjects. They are also expected to write a report and present it before their supervisors.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Universitas Telkom (2016). Panduan Penyusunan Laporan Kerja Praktek. (2007). Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Edisi Ke-3. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Keraf, G. (1971). Komposisi: Sebuah pengantar kemahiran bahasa. Ende: Nusa Indah.
Panitia Pengembangan Bahasa Indonesia. 2000. Pedoman umum ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang disempurnakan.

Semester 7

FEH4A2 Penulisan Karya Ilmiah dan Proposal/ FEH4A2 Scientific and Research Proposal Writing

Memberikan pengetahuan tentang dasar-dasar metoda penelitian, proses penelitian dan kaidah penulisan makalah ilmiah. Memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa pada sebuah siklus proses perancangan rekayasa yang lengkap pada sebuah kasus penyelesaian masalah rekayasa nyata. Diharapkan mahasiswa mampu merumuskan permasalahan penelitian yang akan dilakukan dalam bentuk proposal penelitian yang mencakup latar belakang dan tujuan penelitian, perumusan dan batasan masalah, hipotesis, model sistem dan teori pendukung, yang akan menjadi panduan/arah bagi pelaksanaan penelitian selanjutnya dalam Mata Kuliah Tugas Akhir.

Mata kuliah prasyarat:
FEH2I3          Persamaan Diferensial dan Aplikasi
FEH2B4         Rangkaian Listrik
FEH2H3         Aljabar Boolean dan Rangkaian Logika
FEH2G4        Elektronika
ETH2C4         Mikrokomputer
FEH2J3          Pengolahan Sinyal Waktu Kontinu

ETH3C3         Sistem Kendali Dasar

Scientific and Research Proposal Writing introduces the students to research methods, processes, and scientific writing. It exposes students to the cycle of engineering design process with real cases. The students are expected to be able to express their final project idea in a proposal covering the background, objectives, problem definition and boundaries, hypothesis, and supporting theories.  

Prerequisite subjects:
FEH2I3          Differential Equations and Applications
FEH2H3         Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits
FEH2B3         Electric Circuits
FEH2G4        Electronics
ETH2C4         Microcomputers
FEH2J3          Continuous-Time Signal Processing
ETH3C3         Basic Control Systems

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Angelika H. Hofmann. (2013). Scientific Writing and Communication: Papers, Proposals, and Presentations, 2 Edition. Oxford University Press.

ETH4A3 Metode Perancangan Terstruktur/ ETH4A3 Systematic Design Methods

Penerapan metode perancangan terstruktur ke dalam penyusunan dan penyelesaian masalah proposal dan tugas akhir mahasiswa. Mencakup design thinking, perencanaan produk, mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pemakai, pelahiran konsep, arsitektur produk, perancangan alur fabrikasi, metode green design, dan manajemen produk.

Systematic Design Methods guide the students to apply design methods and solve problems when writing proposal and conducting their final projects. It covers design thinking, product planning, identifying customer needs, concept generation, product architecture, industrial design, concept design, green design methods, and product management.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Ulrich, K. T., Eppinger, S. D. (2015). Product Design and Development, 6th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing.
Pahl, G., Beitz, W., Feldhusen, J., Grote, K.-H. (2007). Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach, 3rd Edition. Londong, UK: Springer Verlag.

ETH4B3 Mekatronika dan Robotika/ ETH4B3 Mechatronics and Robotics

Mata kuliah ini mengenai Fundamental dan Aplikasi mekatronika; Prinsip kerja dan karakteristik Sistem Penggerak Beroda, Berkaki dan Beroda Rantai Baja serta penerapan berbagai jenis Sensor (Rotasi, percepatan, jarak, proximity, Light, vision, integrated microsensor); aktuator (motor-motor listrik, Hydaulic, Pneumatic, Electromechanical); pengkondisi sinyal pada mekatronika; Kinematika; MEMS; Desain dan aplikasi Sistem Robotika.

Mechatronics and Robotics introduce the students to the fundamental and mechatronics application. The topics given are characteristic and work principle of mobile robot, actuator, censors in mechatronics and robotics (Rotation, Acceleration, Distance, proximity, Light, vision, integrated micro-sensor), signal processing in robotics, Kinematics, Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS), design, and application of Robotics system.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Miltiadis A. Boboulos (2010). Automation and Robotics. BookBoon.
Annalisa Milella Donato Di Paola, Gracia Cicirelli (2010). Mechatronic System: Simulation Modeling and Control. Intech.

Semester 8

FEH4B4 Tugas Akhir/ FEH4B4 Final Projects

Mata kuliah ini merupakan implementasi dari pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang telah didapatkan selama masa kuliah untuk berkontribusi membantu pemecahan masalah di masyarakat. Meliputi proses desain sistem, implementasi, pengujian, analisis dan pengambilan kesimpulan dari proses penelitian yang dilakukan, dan sistem yang telah dibuat. Hasilnya adalah karya tulis ilmiah yang kemudian dipertanggungjawabkan di depan kalangan ilmiah.

Final Projects is the implementation of the knowledge and skills acquired during their study to contribute and help solve problems in society. It covers the process of designing the system, implementing, testing, analyzing and drawing the conclusions of the conducted research, and the created systems. The result of this activity is a scientific paper or report which is then presented in front of the scientific circles.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Angelika H. Hofmann. (2013). Scientific Writing and Communication: Papers, Proposals, and Presentations, 2 Edition. Oxford University Press.
–.(2016). Petunjuk Penulisan Laporan Tugas Akhir Fakultas Teknik Elektro Universitas Telkom. Universitas Telkom.

Mata Kuliah Peminatan Kendali/ Control System Track Elective Courses

EKH4A3 Sistem Otomatisasi Industri/ EKH4A3 Industrial Automation Systems

Mata kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman tentang aplikasi sistem otomatisasi industri mencakup identifikasi kebutuhan sistem, integrasi peralatan (sensor, aktuator, dan kontroler), prinsip kerja, instalasi dan perbaikan, programmable logic controller (PLC), distributed control system (DCS), discrete event system (DES).

This subject provides an understanding of industrial automation system application including system requirement identification, equipment integration (sensors, actuators, and controllers), how-it-work principle, installation and repair, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Distributed Control System (DCS), Discrete Event System (DES).

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Hanssen, D. H., & Lufkin, D. (2015). Programmable logic controllers: A practical approach to IEC 61131-3 using CODESYS. Chichester: Wiley.
John, K., & Tiegelkamp, M. (2010). IEC 61131-3: Programming industrial automation systems: Concepts and programming languages, requirements for programming systems, decision-making aids (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.
Bartelt, T. L. (2011). Industrial automated systems: Instrumentation and motion control. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar/Cengage Learning.
Bolton, W. (2015). Programmable Logic Controllers, 6th Edition (6th ed.). Newnes.

EKH4B3 Sistem Kendali Cerdas/ EKH4B3 Intelligent Control Systems

Kuliah ini mempelajari teori dan aplikasi kecerdasan buatan pada sistem kendali. Beberapa metode seperti logika samar, jaringan saraf tiruan dan algoritma genetik diberikan untuk menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan di bidang kendali, pemodelan non linier, identifikasi sistem dan optimasi.

This subject presents theory and application of artificial intelligent for control systems. Some methods such as fuzzy logic, neural network and genetic algorithm are given to solve a variety problems of control system, non-linear modeling, system identification and optimization.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Timothy J. Ross (2003). Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Application. John Wiley & Sons.
Martin T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth, Mark Hudson Beale, Orlando De Jesus (2004). Neural Network Design, 2nd Ed.
Ulrich Bodenhofer (2003). Genetic Algorithm Theory and Applications, Lecture Notes.

EKH4C3 Perancangan Metode Kendali/ EKH4C3 Control Method Designs

Kuliah ini mempelajari teori dan aplikasi kendali optimal dan adaptif di berbagai persoalan teknik. Materi yang diberikan meliputi model matematik sistem fisik, desain aksi kendali yang memenuhi batasan fisik atau spesifikasi tertentu sekaligus meminimalkan kriteria performansi dan desain aksi kendali berdasarkan model acuan.

This subject presents theory and application of optimal and adaptive control for various engineering problems. The contents are physical mathematic model, design of control action that will cause a process to satisfy the physical constraints and at the same time minimize some performance criterion and design of control action related to reference model.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Frank L. Lewis, Draguna L. Vrabie, Vassilis L. Syrmos (2012). Optimal Control, 3rd Ed.
Donald E. Kirk (1998). Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction. Dover Publication Inc.
Karl J. Astrom, Bjorn Wittenmark (1995). Adaptive Control. Addison Wesley.

Mata Kuliah Peminatan Biomedika/ Biomedical Track Elective Courses

EBH4A3 Fisika Biomedika/ EBH4A3 Biomedical Physics

Mata kuliah ini memberikan pengetahuan tentang anatomi dan fisiologi dari tubuh manusia, hukum-hukum fisika tentang proses yang terjadi dalam tubuh manusia dan tentang aplikasi peralatan pengobatan. Diharapkan setelah mengambil MK ini, mahasiswa dapat menerapkannya dalam memahami bagaimana instrumentasi biomedis bekerja dan merancang suatu sistem biomedis.

This subject provides fundamental knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of the human body, the laws of physics of the processes in the human body and about the application of the treatment equipment. After taking this subject, the student can apply them in understanding how to work biomedical instrumentation and design a biomedical system.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Herman, Irving P. (2008). Physic of Human Body. Springer, 2008
J. A. Tuszynski, J. M. Dixon (2002). Biomedical Applications for Introductory Physics. Gabriel (1996). Fisika Kedokteran. EGC.

EBH4B3 Perancangan Sistem Biomedika/ EBH4B3 Biomedical System Designs

Memberikan dasar dan prinsip-prinsip dalam merancang devais biomedis yang meliputi: Pengantar dan proses Perancangan Sistem Biomedis, dan dilanjutkan dengan Analisis Sistem Biomedis, Perancangan Produk Medis, Keamanan (Safety) Sistem dan devais Medis. Studi kasus: Perancangan Instrumentasi Diagnostik, Perancangan Pencitraan Medis, Perancangan Devais Terapi, Perancangan Devais Monitoring Pasien, dan Komunikasi & Pengolahan Informasi Medis.

Learning principles in designing biomedical devices, such as: process in biomedical system design, biomedical system analysis, medical product design, safety system, and medical devices. In this subject, students will have work based on study-cased design experiences.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
A. Y. K. Chan (2008). Biomedical Device Technology: Principles and Design: Charles C Thomas Publisher, Limited
M. M. Domach (2010). Introduction to Biomedical Engineering: Pearson Prentice Hall.
M. Kutz (2003). Standard Handbook of Biomedical Engineering and Design: McGraw-Hill.
R. Liang (2010). Optical Design for Biomedical Imaging: Society of Photo Optical.

EBH4C3 Instrumentasi Biomedika/ EBH4C3 Biomedical Instrumentation

Mata kuliah ini memberikan dasar tentang sistem instrumentasi biomedis. Di dalamnya diberikan dasar anatomi dan fisiologi, proses terjadinya sinyal biomedis dan bagaimana cara mengakuisisinya. Sebagai contoh sistem instrumentasi biomedis dijelaskan tentang pengukuran sinyal ECG, EMG, dan tekanan darah. Dijelaskan pula tentang pengolahan sinyal biomedis secara digital serta aplikasi komputer dalam instrumentasi biomedis.

This subject provides basic biomedical instrumentation systems. This subject gives the basic anatomy and physiology, the generation of biomedical signals and how to acquire it. For example, in biomedical instrumentation system is described the measurement of ECG signals, EMG, and blood pressure. It also explains about the digital biomedical signal/image processing and computer applications in biomedical instrumentation.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Hall, S.H. & Heck, H.L. (2009). Advanced Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital Designs. Wiley-IEEE Press.
Ott, H.W. (2009). Electromagnetic Compability Engineering. John Wiley&Sons.
Johnson, H. & Graham, M. (1993).  High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic. Prentice Hall.

Mata Kuliah Peminatan Energi Terbarukan/ Renewable Energy Track Elective Courses

ELH4A3 Elektronika Daya/ ELH4A3 Power Electronics

Mata kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman tentang Pengenalan karakteristik dari komponen-komponen elektronika daya, seperti Dioda, Transistor Daya, SCR, Triac, MOSFET Daya dan IGBT, Menjelaskan macam-macam Konverter Elektronika Daya seperti Rectifier, Inverter, DC to DC Converter (DC Chopper) and AC-AC Converter. Menjelaskan Sistem pengaturannya (trigering), SVC (Static VAR Convensator), EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) dan rangkaian proteksi Elektronika Daya, Studi kasus aplikasi AC/DC Motor Driver pada Industri.

Power Electronics introduces the students to the component characteristics of Power Electronics Services such as Power Diode, Power Transistor, Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR), Triac, Power Mosfet and IGBT, Explaining various Converter of Power Electronics such as Rectifier, Inverter, DC Chopper, AC controllert. Explaining Triggering System for Power Services, SVC (Static VAR Convensator), EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) and protection circuits for Power Elektronics, Industrial Case Study for application of AC/DC Motor Driver.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland, William P. Robbins (2003). Power Electronics Converters, Applications, and Design, 2nd Edition. John Willey & Sons.
Muhammad H. Rashid, Hasan M. Rashid (2006). SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, 2nd Edition. Tailor Francis.
Bimal K. Bosem (2006 ). Power Electronics And Motor Drives.
Randall Shaffer (2007). Fundamentals of Power Electronics with MATLAB.

ERH4A3 Sistem Energi Listrik Terbarukan/ ERH4A3 Renewable Electric Energy Systems

Mata kuliah ini berisi pemahaman atas karakter pembangkitan listrik dari sumber energi terbarukan yang berbeda-beda seperti tenaga air, angin, matahari, panas bumi, biomassa dan lain-lain dan memberikan kemampuan melakukan analisa dan simulasi atas desain pembangkitan listrik menggunakan sumber energi terbarukan tersebut berikut analisa dan simulasi karakter sambungannya terhadap jaringan listrik dan pengguna listrik.

This course provides the understanding of the characters of electricity generation form various renewable energy sources, such as wind, water, sun, and biomass, It requires students to analyses and simulate on power plants using the renewable energy sources.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
El-Sharkawi, Mohamed A (2012). Electric Energy: An Introduction, 3rd edition. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group.
Decher, Reiner (1997). Direct Energy Converstion: Fundamentals of Electric Power Production. Oxford University Press, Inc.

ERH4B3 Sumber Energi Terbarukan/ ERH4B3 Renewable Energy Sources

 Mata kuliah memberikan pembelajaran tentang karakteristik pembangkitan listrik dari sumber energi terbarukan yang berbeda-beda seperti tenaga air, angin, matahari, panas bumi, biomassa dan lain-lain dan memberikan kemampuan melakukan analisa dan simulasi atas desain pembangkitan listrik menggunakan sumber energi terbarukan. Selain itu, mata kuliah ini juga memberikan analisis optimalisasi pembangkit terbarukan di Indonesia.The course provides learning about the characteristics of electricity generation from different renewable energy sources such as hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal, biomass and others and provides the ability to analyze and simulate the design of electricity generation using renewable energy sources. In addition, this course also provides an optimization analysis of renewable plants in Indonesia.
Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
El-Sharkawi, M. A. (2012). Electric Energy: An Introduction. CRC Press.
Decher, R. (1997). Direct Energy Conversion: fundamentals of electric power production (Vol. 3). Oxford University Press on Demand.
Ackermann, T. (Ed.). (2012). Wind Power in Power Systems. John Wiley & Sons.
Smets, A. H. M., Jäger, K., Isabella, O., van Swaaij, R. A. C. M. M., & Zeman, M. (2016). Solar energy: the physics and engineering of photovoltaic conversion technologies and systems.
DiPippo, Ronald.(2016). Geothermal Power Plants: Principles, Applications, Case Studies and Environmental Impact.(4th ed). Butterworth-Heinemann. Elsevier Ltd.
Leyland, B. (2014). Small hydroelectric engineering practice. CRC Press.

Mata Kuliah Pilihan/ Elective Courses

ELH4D3 Integritas Sinyal dalam Perancangan PCB/ ELH4D3 PCB Design for Signal Integrity

Mahasiswa mengerti dan memahami masalah integritas sinyal yang timbul akibat derau yang muncul dan cara mereduksinya pada perangkat elektronika berbasiskan PCB. Mahasiswa juga mampu mendesain perangkat yang bebas derau dengan cara teknik pengkabelan, grounding, balancing & filtering, pemilihan komponen pasif, shielding, proteksi kontak.

Students know and understand signal integrity issues that arise as a result of noise and how to reduce them on electronic devices based on PCB. Students are also able to design a device that is free of noise by means of engineering wiring, grounding, balancing and filtering, the selection of passive components, shielding, contact protection.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Hall, S.H. & Heck, H.L. (2009). Advanced Signal Integrity for High-Speed Digital Designs. Wiley-IEEE Press.
Ott, H.W. (2009). Electromagnetic Compability Engineering. John Wiley&Sons.
Johnson, H. & Graham, M. (1993).  High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic. Prentice Hall.

ELH4E3 Elektronika Frekuensi Tinggi/ ELH4E3 High-Frequency Electronics

Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang perilaku sinyal berfrekuensi tinggi (RF dan microwave) yang perlu diperhitungkan dalam merancang rangkaian elektronika pengolah sinyal frekuensi tinggi. Materi yang dibahas antara lain impedance matching, kestabilan, ouput power, distorsi, dan rugi-rugi. Beberapa aplikasi yang dibahas antara lain: penguat sinyal kecil, sinyal besar, low-noise, dan berumpan balik. Dipelajari juga perancangan osilator dan mixer dengan mengacu kebutuhan suatu sistem.

High-Frequency Electronics discusses the impedance matching, device modelling, circuit stability, power output, distortion, and component losses and parasitic are examined. This is illustrated in a number of applications such as small-signal, large-signal, low-noise, and feedback amplifiers with discrete transistors. Low-noise design considerations are also introduced. Oscillators and mixers are also designed to meet demanding systems requirements. The subject emphasizes hands-on design and simulation of many circuit types, considering their linearity, efficiency, and power requirements.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Kyung-Whan Yeom, K.-W. (2015). Microwave Circuit Design: A Practical Approach Using ADS. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

ELH4F3 Pembelajaran Mesin dan Aplikasi / ELH4F3 Machine Learning and Applications

Kuliah ini memberikan pengenalan konsep machine learning dan implementasinya di teknik elektro. Mahasiswa mempelajari beberapa algoritma dalam machine learning dijelaskan, di antaranya: Pembelajaran dengan statistik, Aturan dan Logika Program, Algoritma klasifikasi, Pohon Keputusan, Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan, Support Vector Machines, Algoritma Clustering, dan Reinforcement Learning.

Machine Learning and Applications provides students with the concepts of probability and statistics. The probability concept covers samples, probability, experiments, set theory, conditional probability and Bayes theorem, independent events, random variables, the pdf and cdf, expectation, and variance.  It also discusses common distributions, i.e., uniform, Gaussian, Binomial, Poisson, Erlang. Random processes and random modeling processes (state diagram) are introduced as well.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Murphy, K.P.(2012). Machine Learning: Probabilistic Perspective. MIT Press.
Barber, D.(2012). Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning.
Bishop, C.(2007). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Information Science and Statistics: Springer.

ELH4G3 Instrumentasi Optik/ ELH4G3 Optical Instruments

Kuliah ini mempelajari tentang prinsip, desain, aplikasi, dan perkembangan terakhir dari instrumentasi optik secara luas. Di akhir perkuliahan, mahasiswa akan dapat memahami prinsip optik, persyaratan desain, dan bagaimana mengimplementasikan instrumen secara praktik.

Optical Instruments introduce students to the principles, designs, applications, and recent developments of a broad variety of optical instruments. Upon completion of the course students will be able to understand optical principles, design requirements, and how to apply these instruments in practices.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Smith, W.J. (2008). Modern Optical Engineering: The Design of Optical Systems. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill

EKH4D3 Analisis Kendali Kokoh/ EKH4D3 Rigid Control Analysis

Kuliah ini memberikan teori dasar kestabilan sistem, penstabilan kendali untuk interkoneksi sistem, pemodelan ketidakpastian, spesifikasi desain kokoh dan desain kendali kokoh Hinf. Beberapa aplikasi desain kendali kokoh untuk permasalahan teknis diberikan untuk menjelaskan metode desain kendali seperti sistem masa-peredam-pegas, pendulum terbalik, drive hardisk, dan sebagainya.

Rigid Control Analysis gives the basic theory of system stability, stabilizing controllers for interconnection systems, uncertainty modeling, robust design specification and robust control Hinf. Some applications of robust control design for engineering problems are given to explain the method, such as mass-damper-spring system, inverted pendulum, hard disk drive, etc.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Carsten Scherer (2001). Theory of Robust Control Lecture Notes. Delft University of Technology.
Da-Wei Gu, Petko Hristov, Mihail Mihaylov Konstantinov (2005). Robust Control Design with Matlab. Springer.

EKH4E3 Sistem Kendali Multivariabel/ EKH4E3 Multivariable Control Systems

Kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman tentang proses desain sistem kendali, kendali umpan balik dengan respons frekuensi, sistem SISO (single input-single output),  fungsi alih dan kestabilan untuk sistem MIMO,  batasan-batasan perfomansi pada SISO dan MIMO (multi input-multi output), beberapa desain kendali sistem MIMO seperti LQG, H2 dan Hinf.

Multivariable Control Systems introduce students to the process of designing control system, frequency response for feedback control systems, SISO system, transfer function and stability of MIMO system, limitations of SISO and MIMO systems performance, some MIMO control designs such as LQG, H2 and Hinf.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Sigurd Skogestad, Ian Postlethwaite (2001). Multivariable Feedback Control Analysis and design. John Wiley & Sons.
P. Albertos, A. Sala (2004). Multivariable Control Systems: An Engineering Approach. Springer.

EBH4D3 Pengukuran Biosinyal/ EBH4D3 Bio-Signal Measurement

Dasar-dasar sumber bio sinyal, deteksi bio sinyal, dan pengolahan bio sinyal dalam instrumentasi medis; transduser biomedis; biofisika membran, model membran; teori bio sinyal listrik, elektrokardiografi, electroencephalography, elektromiografi; elektroda biopotential. Menekankan kekuatan komponen dan batasan-batasan dalam mengembangkan sistem yaitu untuk meningkatkan keamanan, akurasi, dan keandalan.

 Bio-Signal Measurement discusses about the fundamentals of bio signal sources, bio signal detection, and processing of bio signals in medical instrumentation; biomedical transducers; membrane biophysics, membrane models; theory of electrical bio signals,  electro-cardiography,  electro-encephalography,  electro-myography; bio potential electrodes. This subject emphasizes component strengths and limitations, to develop the systems that improve safety, accuracy, and reliability.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
John G. Webster (2010). Medical Instrumentation – Application and design (4th. Ed.)
J.D. Enderle, and J.D. Bronzino (2012). Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3rd. Ed.)
Ramon Pallas-Areny and John G. Webster (2000). Sensors and Signal Conditioning.
Vander, Sherman, Luciano (2001). Human Physiology.

TTH4P3 Computer Vision B/ TTH4P3 Computer Vision B

Mahasiswa akan memahami macam-macam Kamera, cahaya dan warna, teknik filtering, deteksi tepi, deteksi sudut, ekstraksi ciri, grouping dan fitting, geometric vision, recognition dan machine learning, face detection dan recognition, object detection, part-based model, deep learning, extended kalman filter, particle filter, online multiple instance learning, augmented reality, dan 3D object.

Computer Vision B discusses about Cameras, light and color, filtering technique, edge detection, angle detection, feature extraction, grouping and fitting, geometric vision, recognition and machine learning, face detection and recognition, object detection, part-based models, deep learning, extended Kalman filter, particle filter, online multiple instance learning, augmented reality, and 3D objects


Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
Szeliski, R. (2010). Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications. Springer.
Shapiro, L. G., Stockman, G. (2001). Computer Vision. Prentice-Hall.
J.P.Marques de Sa (2001). Patern Recognition : Concepts, Methods and Applications. Springer.
Parker, J. R. (2010). Algorithm For Image Processing and Computer Vision. John Wiley and Son.

Mata Kuliah Pilihan Managemen/Management Elective Courses

FEH3C3 Manajemen Proyek/ FEH3C3 Project Management

Mata kuliah ini menjelaskan proyek yang berkaitan dengan konsep manajemen proyek dan juga proyek manajemen life cycle serta hubungan proses-prosesnya sebagaimana proyek life cycle, yang berisi standar yang diakui secara global dan panduan digunakan untuk profesi manajemen proyek.  Standar tersebut adalah dokumen resmi yang menjelaskan didirikannya norma, metode, proses, dan praktik. Seperti profesi lain, pengetahuan yang terkandung dalam standar ini telah berkembang dan diakui para praktisi manajemen proyek yang telah memberikan kontribusi untuk pengembangan standar ini

 Project Management explains the project related to the concept of project management and the life cycle of project management and the relationship of the processes as a project life cycle which contains standards recognized globally and guidelines used for the project management profession. The standard is an official document that describes the establishment of norms, methods, processes, and practices. As other professions, the knowledge contained in this standard has developed and is recognized by project management practitioners who have contributed to this standard development.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
PMI. (2013). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Fifth Edition 2013.
Jack R Maredith & Samual J. Project Management A Managerial Approach.
Nicholas, J.M dan Steyn, H. (2012). Project Management for Engineering, Business and Technology 4th Edition. New York: Routledge
Harrington, H.J dan McNellis, T. (2006). Project Management Ecxellece: The Art of Excelling n Projet Management.
Schawlbe, K. (2013). Information Technology Project Management 7 edition. USA. Cengage Learning.

FEH4C3 Manajemen Sumber Daya/ FEH4C3 Resource Management

Kursus ini menyediakan konsep dan wawasan untuk menganalisis bagaimana perusahaan-perusahaan mengelola sumber daya dan aktivitas bisnis. Topik utama studi meliputi: pengelolaan sumber daya; evolusi dan perkembangan perusahaan; proses di dalam perusahaan dan tantangan manajerial dalam perusahaan; operasional perusahaan seperti pemasaran, manufaktur, research and development (R&D); dan manajemen patnership.

Resource Management provides the knowledge and concepts of tools to analyse how corporations manage resource and business activities. The key topics of this study include resource management, the evolution and development of corporation, the process of firms and their managerial challenges, corporation operations such as marketing, manufacturing, research and development (R&D), and partnership management.

Daftar Pustaka – Bibliography
L. Galloway (2015). Organization and Management. BiblioLife.
J. Martin (2005). Organizational Behaviour and Management. Thomson Learning.
R. Reichwald and R. T. Wigand (2008). Information, Organization and Management. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Mata Kuliah Tambahan/Optional Courses

FEH3C9 Magang/ FEH3C4 Industrial Internship

Mata kuliah ini adalah pilihan, di mana mahasiswa melakukan magang di suatu perusahaan selama satu semester tanpa diselingi dengan mata kuliah lain. Mata kuliah ini dapat menggantikan mata kuliah Kerja Praktik.

Internship is an optional subject, in which a student does an internship in a company for the whole semester without taking any class-based subject. This subject can be a substitute for FEH3B2 On-the-Job Training.

FEH3D4 Sertifikasi Profesional Internasional/ FEH3D4 Internasional Professional Certification

Mata kuliah ini adalah pilihan, di mana mahasiswa mengikuti suatu program sertifikasi profesi internasional. Mata kuliah ini dapat menggantikan mata kuliah Kerja Praktik.

This is an optional subject, in which a student takes a professional certificate examination. This subject can be a substitute for FEH3B2 On-the-Job Training.